Monday 14 May 2018


Swapan Kumar Ghosh : Feel honoured for having become friend of Sri Sugata Bose.Sugata Bose Same here, Swapan Babu. Honoured am I, too, in having been afforded the opportunity to befriend you. Thank you for being a wonderful friend with refined sensibility and having the courage of conviction -- which many lack -- to express what you feel is right and good for society.Amlan Bhattacharya : অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ এবং অভিনন্দন জানাই, অনেক অজানা তথ্য আর ইতিহাস জানতে পারি আপনার লেখা থেকে। ভালো আর সুস্থ থাকবেন।Sugata Bose Thank you, Amlan Babu, for your kind words, for they are evidently heart-felt and affable in spirit. I feel honoured to be your friend and would wish that you heartily associate with me in this crusade for the resurrection of the suppressed history of our motherland, especially, the glorious saga of armed revolutionary struggle for India's freedom which through perfidious participation of the pernicious elements within the polity remained in its eventual attainment within partitioned and dominion bounds.

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