Thursday 24 May 2018


Instead of pretending to be patriots we should learn from these great revolutionaries what patriotism is all about. Then we should hang our heads in shame, each one of us, before we raise them again in genuine love for the motherland and not for gain, fame or position as we are apt to doing.

It is futile preaching to others patriotism when the very ones that do so do not have an iota of it themselves. And it is time that the grain be separated from the chaff as we pay our real tributes to our heroes of the freedom struggle. They have freed us with their life's blood. Now we must keep up the struggle to preserve that freedom.

Be not deluded by your politicians preaching patriotism. They have their personal agendas to pursue. Be a patriot in your individual capacity and see what a wonderful change comes about in the polity in the not-so-distant future.

May Rash Behari Bose bless us all ! Our prostrations at his feet on this his 132nd birth anniversary. Bande Mataram !

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