Friday, 18 May 2018


1. Islamic persecution of Hindus and Christian conversion attempts using inducement are both reprehensible and deserve our severest condemnation. Hindus must defend themselves by serious study and practice of their dharma and by steadfast adherence to it. Om!

2. The study of Sanskrit must be made mandatory for all Hindus in schools and colleges. Only by the common revival of the language may our spiritual culture be resurrected in totality and our country set on the right path towards future glory. This then is a must for the government.

3. Sectarianism seems inbuilt into the nature of man. It stems from herd instinct and the urge to concentrate finite resources within finite bounds. This limitation in the spread of consciousness impels man to narrow his sympathies down and draw kindred souls in the common agenda of exclusive living.

4. It is futile having faith in any God, for faith is unfounded in reason and will always delude the believer, inducing him into doing all sorts of irrational acts throughout life, making a mockery of a mind that will have rusted unto disintegration thus. Hence, have faith in yourself.

5. How long must man remain under the control of external agencies like religion and government when the prime need of every cultured individual is to be self-controlled through discrimination between the real and the unreal? Life must be self-governed through reason and enlightenment.

6. Fanaticism seems inbuilt into the fabric of the human personality in its contraction phase even as liberalism is inbuilt into it in its expansion phase. Till date, owing to insufficient human evolution, the former has held sway while the latter, despite persecution, is steadily gathering strength.

7. How much of human life is sold out to observe outdated mores and how little is left to solve the puzzle of human existence, the mysteries of life and of vast Nature abounding, external and internal ! Man must shake himself free of all this past clinging and assert his freedom.

8. The non-violent appeasement policy of Gandhi cost us dear and led to Partition. Netaji's absence was conspicuous. We had neither an army nor a marshalled organisation to combat colonial and communal forces. Haripura and Tripuri's ghost presided over the proceedings as India got dismembered.

9. Islam's intransigence will make inter-faith understanding a distant dream. Greater spiritual evolution is necessary among its adherents for any meaningful advance to be possible in this endeavour. Scriptural injunctions notwithstanding, men must collaborate for peace and harmony.

10. It is important to be rational in discourse. Not only does it help in driving home the point one wishes to make, it also helps avoid deflection of discussion and keeps the focus on the contentious issue intact. Concentration of effort must be accompanied by focus in presentation.

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