Friday 11 May 2018


Sharmistha Chatterjee May such decadence be soon resuscitated through rejuvenation of sensitivity and spirituality.Sugata Bose Start your own advance for that, Sharmistha. May Thakur bless your in your endeavour, should you take it up! Mere words will not suffice but deeds must complement them.Sharmistha Chatterjee That I will.Sugata Bose And a strong will will be necessary for that.Sharmistha Chatterjee I'm preparing myself.Sugata Bose Sharmistha, then success in the fullness of time is yours.Sharmistha Chatterjee Such wonderful perspective... poetry in prose.Sharmistha Chatterjee Politicians of today are brazenly shameless, uncultured, uneducated and totally uncivilised.Sugata Bose It will be good if monks on social media take it upon themselves to give handy spiritual instructions to the people.Sharmistha Chatterjee That would be wonderful and there are people who are awaiting such programs.

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