Saturday 1 August 2020



1. Real great men have courage beyond bounds. They never shirk from doing what they think is right even if that means courting death. And this is called courage of conviction.

2. With mass support a leader becomes invincible. But the support must last for the masses are fickle and can be easily swayed to the contrary.

3. Develop a great reverence for learning, a yearning to know and self-enlighten, not merely in spiritual terms but in intellectual terms too. To learn is to live in Saraswati, let this be the ideal.

4. The simplistic division of the world between good and evil, between God and the Devil may suit ordinary minds, appeal to the masses but it is not the proper representation of truth. There is no such sharp demarcation between light and shade in human affairs for relativity assigns varying values to events in varying stations, altered positions, changing situations and evolving perspectives. Qualities are perceived through the prism of the mind and minds are many and so are perceptions. What may appear to one as good may be equally deemed by another as evil and rightly so, for the locations of judgement determine the outcome of assessment and the verdict thereof. Relativity rules it all.

5. Let not a church or an organisation come between you and your God. Independently strive for perfection.

6. The fate of the individual is in the individual's hands. Let no authority, however sacred, determine the course of your journey towards perfection.

7. The Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, by fixing spirituality to rigid doctrinaire ideas may have done irreparable damage to the free flow of spiritual thought in vast portions of the the world, and, in so doing, terribly retarded human progress and the advancement of civilisation.

Written by Sugata Bose

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