Saturday, 1 August 2020



It is very difficult to come out of traditional trappings and yet not fall into crude error otherwise of imagined liberation. Real enlightenment lies in between the extremes of action and reaction. The path of Maya is slippery and precipitous is the fall when man transgresses from established norms amidst violent reform. Evolution is the way, the gradual growth of society unto a better order. But all delay causes endless suffering of the masses as tyranny of the privileged reigns supreme. The recourse then is to violent reform which, if left unbridled, resolves the forces into terrible revolution that consumes millions in its wake. Eventually, history takes its own inevitable course as the forces array against the existing order to overthrow it. Thesis, antithesis and synthesis follow in inevitable succession to forge the new social order and a new wave alters human destiny for good. Thus has civilisation progressed amidst persisting tyranny of the ages which have met with their doom when cataclysmic changes have overtaken them in the might to govern the hearts and minds of men. Tyranny has been replaced often by worse tyranny and mankind has been plunged in a darker dungeon. But often the forces have been for good and have ushered in seminal changes that have forever altered the landscape of man's movement for human hopes to find fulfilment, aspirations to gain utterance in reformed living and the barriers to drop from the path of pure progress unto a higher order of terrestrial life. Unto the ushering of these changes have been dedicated the lives of reformers and unto such we offer our belated obeisance.

Written by Sugata Bose

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