Friday 7 August 2020



When will the blank spaces in 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' be filled up to the level possible and the books released in their wholeness for all to read? There are simply too many blank spaces in the text, left perhaps to accommodate situational demands, but they leave Swamiji's leonine words often toothless in consequence, so very uncharacteristic of the valiant warrior monk?

It is time to release Swamiji fair and square and not with such censoring, for the truths he thought good to utter before vast audiences in speeches must surely be good for all of humanity to hear. Was not Swamiji wise enough to have known the consequences of his words on future humanity? Was he not the prophet of the times and, so, endowed with the vision of the future? So, in all fairness the Belur Math authorities must release Swamiji from their classified archival confines and allow him to breathe for once in the sunshine of pure freedom he loved so much.

Written by Sugata Bose

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