8. নিদ্রারূপে মা, স্বপ্নরূপেও মা, জাগরণে মা, আবার তূরীয়রূপেও মা -- মা যে আমার সর্বত্র |
9. Diligence is one of the prime attributes of intelligence.
10. Secularism is bound to fail in India for India is fundamentally spiritual which is the antithesis of being secular.
11. Indian secularism springs from the imperative to appease the Semitic religions operating in this holy land of ours.
12. Sanskrit must be made compulsory in school and college curricula throughout India if this nation has to rise to preeminence.
13. The only God that I worship and I have ever worshipped has been man, from his crust to his very depths.
14. If there is one religion that will bring peace and enlightenment on earth, it is Hinduism, and let us unapologetically admit it.
15. The Hindu is subservient to no God or prophetic personality but is sovereign in his own right. Such is his spiritual independence.
16. ভক্তই ভগবান | তাই হিন্দুধর্মে মানুষের পূজা |
17. In his address at Madras, 'The Future of India', Swamiji clearly spells out that Hinduism must be the one unifying basis for the regeneration of our motherland.
18. Our country needs solidarity, a coordination, a union of wills for it to manifest a mighty power. Help her along this channel by stopping all shallow infighting, this bickering over petty domestic issues, and develop your collective strength to empower her.
19. আলিপুর জেল কেন বিক্রি করতে দেওয়া হচ্ছে ? বিপ্লবীদের পদরজতে পূত স্বাধীনতার এই মহা তীর্থক্ষেত্র |
20. যুবক যুবতীদের রাজনীতি না করে চরিত্রগঠন করা উচিত আগে | বিদ্যাশিক্ষা সুচারুরূপে সমাপ্ত হলে রাজনীতির বিষয়ে ভাবা যাবে |
22. গৃহীর বেদান্ত চর্চাও যা আর ভোগীর বৈরাগ্যও তা | কথামৃত পড়ুন, নইলে সব বৃথা |
23. কোন আহাম্মকে বলে স্বামীজী সিদ্ধ ছিলেন না ? এ সব কি প্রক্ষীপ্তাচার চলেছে মহাপুরুষকে নিয়ে ?
24. Do not destroy Bengal with atheism and vile politics. The great spiritual tradition of Bengal needs a reaffirmation.
25. Swamiji has provided us the blueprint for nation-building. Netaji has followed up on it. If we heed their proposed programmes, we will prosper as a nation. Else, destruction lies in our way.
26. Members are being requested to invite genuine classical music lovers to this group of exquisite classical musical culture.
27. আমায় যে আঘাত করে, সে তো তাঁকেই আঘাত করে | জানে না সে কোন হৃদয়ে প্রহার করে |
28. যে বাঁচায় সম্মান নেই, সে বাঁচাও বাঁচা | পশুবৎ প্রতিপালিত যে, তারও সম্মান আছে | বাকি, মা তো বলেছেন, তিনি দেখবেন | চিন্তা কি ?
29. মানুষ মানুষের সাথে কি রকম ব্যবহার করবে সে তো তার ব্যক্তিগত সংস্কৃতির ওপর নির্ভর করে |
30. In this world when there is no one to hold on to, do not for heaven's sake destroy yourself. There is still a final friend you can count on - yourself.
31. Muslims and Christians believe what their Prophet or their Messiah says. Hindus also believe what their Rishis say.
32. The common Vedantist online claims more than he realises. It is ever the tall talk of unrealised philosophy. But all believe, few realise.
33. Sri Ramakrishna disliked miserliness.
34. Sri Krishna is the soul of Hindustani classical music.
35. Society should be such as to allow for the maximum flourishing of talent.
36. Hone your talents with diligent practice and you will achieve wonders in life.
37. Every uncharitable thought you send out to the world causes grave harm to it. Every vicious feeling recoils unto the sender.
38. Hark work and eternal hope in the fruits of persistent labour surely will crown your efforts with success.
39. Examination-consciousness is not good when you are putting in your hours of study. You should enjoy your work. The results will come of themselves if you have put in your labour of love.
40. Parents, allow your children scope to study. Do not disturb their concentration by being unduly noisy over your telephone chats or being boisterous in your domestic chores. Children -- surely they deserve better before you expect so much from them by way of return in terms of academic output.
41. Clamour for your rights only when you have given others such rights.
42. There is none more precious than a child. Nurture him/her well. Provide for the best possible atmosphere for his/her free development.
43. সংগীতে কত পারঙ্গম হলে পণ্ডিত অথবা ওস্তাদ বলে অভিহিত হওয়ার যোগ্যতা আসে, তা জানা থাকলে আজকের পণ্ডিত-ওস্তাদকুল নিজ নিজ নামের সাথে এই যোগ্যতাবিহীন সংযোজনের জন্য লজ্জিত হতেন |
44. The easiest way to energise oneself is to constantly read Swamiji.
45. Hinduism is India. If the Sanatan Dharma is lost, India will be lost too, destroyed forever.
46. Shruti is karna-yog. Learn through the ears.
47. When you quake in fear before your God and beg for His mercy, you insult your own divinity, oblivious of the fact that the God without derives His birth from deep within you which is your own Self.
48. কী কষ্ট মানুষের এ পৃথিবীতে ! কত কষ্ট ! কোথা ভগবান ?
49. Give up fraudulent Gurus who are marketing spirituality. Seek light and leading in Ramakrishna-Vivekananda.
50. Today's session (Saturday, 26 September, 2020) on Swamiji was heart-warming for I met so many new faces, all eager to hear about Swamiji. Thank you, Sharmistha.
51. Self-confidence is spirituality.
52. মানুষের সাথে মানুষের বাণিজ্যিক সম্পর্ক ছাপিয়ে যে হৃদয়ের সম্পর্ক, তাই তার আধ্যাত্মিক সম্পদ |
53. কার জন্য চোখের জল ফেলো বন্ধু ? কেউ সহানুভূতি জানাবে না । নিজের সহায় নিজে হও । নিজেই নিজেকে সান্ত্বনা দাও ।
54. These words, Pandit and Ustad, have now become commonplace and lost their seminal significance. Now they are being unmusically marketed.
55. This one is not, that is. That one is not, this is. Between the this and the that is the One.
56. নাস্তিকগুলো ভারতবর্ষের ঐতিহ্য কি বুঝবে ? সীতাচরিত্র নিয়ে যে সাহিত্যক কটাক্ষপাত করেছেন, তাঁর অধঃপতিত নাস্তিক্যবুদ্ধি তো অবশ্যম্ভাবি |
57. Social work is bound to flounder and fail unless spirituality be its basis. Many a philanthropist does charity merely to seek social recognition.
58. I exhort atheists to read thoroughly 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' before next they voice their uninformed opinions on the Sanatan Dharma. I challenge any to do it and then report that the glorious spiritual culture of India is all bosh. Just take up the challenge I throw you here and now.
59. Where is the music in the constant rebuking of your near and dear ones? Are they dear then? Has sympathy become so dear after all?
60. Let women read Swami Vivekananda's 'Women of India' and come to terms with many aspects of their lives.
61. There is no justice in this world. The only justice is dispensed by the Law of Karma. As one sows, so one reaps. This inviolable law ever holds.
62. অভ্যাসের দ্বারা ভগবানকে পাওয়া যায় না, অনুরাগের দ্বারা পাওয়া যায় | কিন্তু অভ্যাস অনুরাগ উৎপন্ন করার জন্য করা চাই | ভগবান ভক্তের ভালবাসার বশ |
63. Despite our best efforts, culture is slowly dying and will be buried soon beneath popular perversions and commercial compulsions.
64. Give up heaven and give up hell. Fruitless aspiring for such low ends. Seek the Self within and be forever free. You are already that. Only know it consciously.
65. We have a tendency to get caught up with words and fail to get the feel of truth in its profundity. This shallowness must go. Dive deep to secure the gems of realisation.
66. Let us simplify truth, for truth is very simple, as simple as our existence. Let no word hide the import of it which is as clear as daylight. Dive deep to realise whatever you wish to. There is an ocean of wealth waiting for you to discover.
67. What sort of a limited God is He who is always formless and cannot be otherwise? Is He God then?
68. When we wake up, we wake up to a wide world of thoughts and images, and then we narrow our dreams to our specific channels of ordinary usage.
69. শাস্ত্রীয় সংগীত চিত্তচঞ্চল মানুষের একবারে ভালো লাগে না কিন্তু শোনার অভ্যাসের দ্বারা ধীরে ধীরে তার রসাস্বাদন সম্ভব হয় |
70. Listen to the music playing in your heart. Be a fountain of love and not of hate.
71. Relations are all based on necessity. The Lord manifests Himself in human form to teach love that transcends reason.
72. If service were to replace commerce, life would have been so much easier.
73. Be slow in your movements to avoid falls and fractures, sprains and pains. Calm your mind through reflection on God. It will help.
74. Do some good work when you are fit and fine, for who knows when the opportunity will be seized for good?
75. There is no more peace than in writing and in music that wells up within, and in the tears that tell the inner tale in dewy drops.
76. As wave after wave strikes, they become befriended in life's buffeting course till one learns to ride them to perfection.
77. Rigorous riyaaz alone can hone your musical talent to a level of perfection where music becomes automatic like breathing and flows out spontaneous like the scented summer breeze.
78. Life is so tragic. Dear ones pass away. Nothing stays.
79. Seek not oceanic depth in scriptural study or in routine meditation but seek it in simple acts of love and kindness.
80. I see young people nurse personal ambitions but rarely do I come across one who nurses ambitions for the entire country.
81. বায়ু চঞ্চল হলে চলে না, স্থিরতা প্রয়োজন | প্রশান্তচিত্তে ঈশ্বরের আগমন |
82. রবীন্দ্রনাথ শুধু শব্দের ভাণ্ডার নন, ভাবের ভাণ্ডার | আমরা আজ যে ভাষায় কথা বলি, তাও রবীন্দ্রনাথেরই দান |
83. One dead honest person is worth more than a million patriotic pretenders.
84. One has to be sincere in one's practice. In any trade, in any of life's pursuits, success comes through persistent practice. Perfection is the endpoint of this progressively purifying course.
85. The Guru/preceptor by his superior guna (attribute/nature/vibration) has a lifting tendency that raises the consciousness of the shishya/disciple. Hence, proximity to the Guru is essential in spiritual life.
86. স্বরভেদেই মুক্তি | শ্রুতির ব্যবধান সাধকের মুক্তিপথ |
87. বিলম্বিত লয়ে মন্দ্রসপ্তকে নামা সংগীতের সাগরে নামার ন্যায় | এমনই অনুভূতি হয় |
88. সাধনা 'সা'তে শুরু, 'সা'তেই শেষ |
89. শব্দ জানলেই শাস্ত্র জানা হয় না | উপলবদ্ধিই শাস্ত্রের সার |
90. গৃহী হয়ে কথামৃত ছেড়ে বেদান্ত পড়বেন না ; মন নীচগামী হবে | বেদান্ত বৈরাগ্যবান সন্ন্যাসীর বিচার্য বিষয়, বিষয়াসক্ত গৃহীর নয় |
91. I am ashamed to say that few ever understand the import of my posts. They merely interpret them as they like and comment thereon.
92. There is no glory in rejecting God. Reject the false ego instead.
93. The more indrawn we are, the more spiritual we are. Introspection is the first step towards God.
94. Light the lamp of love in your heart and the whole world will be full of light.
95. When the need for self-establishment in the phenomenal world of men dies, establishment in the Real Self becomes a reality.
96. On this day, 14 October, 1931, was born the great sitar maestro, Pandit Nikhil Banerjee.
97. Far above the din of terrestrial life lies the peace we call God, and, yet, it is He who interpenetrates life itself to enact this terrestrial drama. His manifold aspect includes all layers and shades of phenomenal life, yet, transcendent He abides in His existential reality of undivided consciousness whose first aberration is the flow of perennial bliss out of which issues all life.
98. Behind the screen of this wondrous universe stands the effulgent One in whose light the universe shines.
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