Wednesday 5 August 2020



When it comes to abusing others' religions, everybody joins in but when it came to defending Mother Mary's honour today from the sacrilegious remark of an irresponsible one that Christ was conceived out of her straying into premarital physical relation with someone, I alone had to do it. Shame on such devotion that lacks culture, character and courage, and watches the fun of the holiest of the holy being cast aspersion on thus ! This is no way of the devout but is that of the demoniac that spares neither saint nor incarnation divine in its diatribe beyond limits of acceptance. The Sanatan Dharma in the hands of these rogues is indeed in deep danger today and it will require another Vivekananda to set our house in order. For myself, my crusade to restore sanity of discussion carries on with even greater vigour from this moment.

Written by Sugata Bose

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