Tuesday 11 August 2020



Men believe whatever their religious creed exhorts them to do. This is quite opposed to the scientific spirit of inquiry, investigation and inference based on evidence. And, yet, this is what dharma used to be. No more so now except in claims. In practice it is all arbitrary assertion of concerned spiritual authorities and their blind adherence by followers. A sad demise of the ancient Vedic tradition.

Time to resurrect the original spirit. Else, religion will stagnate and die its natural death that has, owing to fresh affirmation each time by great seers who have rescued the sinking tradition, thus far been averted amidst inimical conditions threatening to stifle it to extinction.

The pristine purity of investigation and evidence-based inference must be resurrected. This must be the cornerstone of the future flourishing of religion free of dogma and arbitrary assumption, assertion et al.

Written by Sugata Bose

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