Saturday 29 August 2020



Those that are casually or mischievously or maliciously untruthful are bound to fail in any higher pursuit of life.

Truthfulness is both a spiritual virtue and a practical one. It is consonance with the deeper reality of the being and, in consequence, the precondition to the purified energising of the nervous system that leads to higher endeavours and achievements.

A certain integrity of the personality is the sine qua non for the integration of temporal consciousness and its due alignment with the deepest spiritual reality which is the foundation of life. To realise the absolute Truth in spiritual transcendence of the phenomenal universe of 'sense and sensibility', one has to, thus, adhere strictly to truth temporal in thought, word, speech and honour. Else, all activity leads to near nullified output as leakage through perforations of the senses leads to eventual dismemberment of the 'bodily mansion' so very artfully adorned with the delights of delusion.

Truth leads to Truth and to rely on this affable one that calls in to befriend in the name of the false world is to sink in one's fortunes in the quicksand of desire and inevitably sink with it. No wonder did Ramakrishna lay such emphasis on this wonderful virtue of truthfulness that somehow stands at the interface of the relative and the absolute and ushers one in from the dark dungeons of desire to the luminous realm of immortality and freedom.

Written by Sugata Bose

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