Each time I say that very few readers appreciate my posts truly or get to their spirit or import, I am reminded by some that it is not quite the case. But my recurring experience is that few truly appreciate my posts or understand what I intend to convey. The off-the-cuff, off-the-mark comments to my posts are proof enough of reader insensitivity to them. Now convinced am I of the sheer wastage of effort on my part in responding to a plethora of puerile comments that follow the posts. Henceforth, I shall desist from doing so for the reason stated above.
Human beings are conservative by nature and hard to impress with any new idea or perspective. They cling to their predilections, prejudices and preferences, come what may, and to attempt to engage them in any intellectual or aesthetic way that, to their perception, goes beyond their immediate domain of experience or thought or settled conviction, is seemingly an exercise in futility. As I have, after all, a modicum of intelligence that prompts me to conserve my energy for the more patient, sincere and aesthetically sensitive readers of mine, I hereby resolve to reverse my recent responsive status and revert to my erstwhile mode of only writing the posts, leaving readers to battle out their wits over them to my exclusion from the war zone, for, indeed, that is what frequently the comment stream degenerates into as egotism plays high priest over pernicious proceedings.
My best wishes to my readers. Jai Ramakrishna !
Written by Sugata Bose
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