Wednesday 5 August 2020



If you post negative remarks beyond bounds of civility against any great religious personality across the spectrum, I will post to spread their glory. My sympathies in the name of the Sanatan Dharma are not so narrow as yours and they include all of humanity, even those who may choose to believe otherwise. Hence, my crusade begins on behalf of all of humanity and not merely a section of it.

This constant persecution of others must stop. And since it seems it will not stop, my counter-crusade will also not stop to restore sanity to civic discourse. This rampant fanaticism that is afflicting us today is eating into our vitals and making us regressive fools who are not only clueless as to where they are going but rudderless too in their voyage through the unknown. Merely quoting the Hindu scriptures is not enough. A modicum of decency, care for others, a sense of harmony and tolerance for all who have divergent views must be the order of the day if we are to progress as a nation. Unto that will be my effort and I am sure that kindred spirits will join in in this movement of mine.

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo: courtesy, Moni Lahiri

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