Wednesday, 12 August 2020



1. One who abhors one's mother, where will such a one find solace in one's hour of grief? Why? that same mother will comfort.

2. Your mother and my mother -- what sort of distinction is this? Mother is mother.

3. The earth's greatest are reviled, despised, persecuted while living. Generations hence they are resurrected unto their glory.

4. The life of love is the life of labour for the welfare of the world. To serve is to be spiritual.

5. The more I am obstructed in the work, the greater will be my zeal to spread the message of the Lord.

6. Guruputreshu Guruvat ... Swamiji
Jyeshthha bhraataa Pitrivat ... Raja Maharaj ;
And they touched each other's feet. Such was the love.

7. Today is Partition Day, a day of national mourning.

8. In the Ramakrishna Order by scriptures we not only mean the classical scriptures in the form of the Upanishads and the Puranas but also the biographical accounts of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda and the direct disciples of the Master. ...Swami Balabhadrananda

9. The Sanatan Dharma [Eternal Religion] is the science of the soul. It is the future of humanity for all are its heirs.

10. A human being should be the synthesis of the past and the future while standing in the present. Reflection, imagination and perception should in beauteous bonds harmonise.

11. Swamiji's best disciples took to the revolutionary path and brought India her freedom.

12. Swamiji has exhorted us to wear our national dress, the dhoti and the kurta. Many of you do not know how to wear the dhoti. Learn.

13. Make living Swamiji's message within you and do not turn out to be an effeminate of sorts.

14. Purity and concentration are the twin practising principles of religion whose objective is the realisation of Truth transcendental and absolute.

15. So long as the Himalayas stand in gracious glance over this holy motherland of ours, we are safe if we pursue spirituality.

16. Paper poem is one, life poem another.

17. One gives up his life to achieve freedom and another composes poems and songs to inspire them to sacrifice so.Both are not equally great. There is a gulf of difference.

18. He left the field of freedom, quit revolution midstream for reclusive life, wrote copious poetry and philosophy, claimed fantastic achievements of world spiritual transformation and quipped in with caustic comments about the freedom movement and its leaders from afar. Who was he? [Aurobindo Ghosh]

19. The British ruled India with the help of a host of dirty traitors whose role in India's capitulation is yet to be fully exposed. These were the officials working for the British while betraying the motherland to servitude.

20. Let us bleed for Netaji, not profit out of him. Political position, money, fame -- these three despicable desires, let these be derived by personal calibre rather than by mention of Netaji's name or lineage. Leave Netaji alone. Ill doth it suit thee to profit by one who stood against all such lowly pursuits.

21. There was Master Mahashay of 'Kathamrita' fame and there was Masterda of Chittagong Armoury Raid's sublime memory. Mother India has had her fair share of blessed sons. Vande Mataram !

I am ashamed again at the level of casual commenting on my posts by even eminent ones without bothering to even read the essays. Alas, our country, indeed, is going through a terrible intellectual trough, at least as evident from its explicit manifestation online !
Written by Sugata Bose

23. Pandit Jasraj passes away.

24. The revolutionaries somehow inspire in me greater veneration for the motherland and a greater patriotic fire and love for her than the Gandhians have ever done.

25. The term 'terrorist' used by the British to label the armed revolutionaries for India's political freedom was even in the 1960s and '70s not considered derogatory by the average Indian but was accepted as an honoured epithet in quite a patriotic sense as being descriptive of a band of fiery revolutionaries who through their daring armed action struck terror into the hearts of the ruling dispensation.

26. আমরা স্বাধীনতা পাইনি ; ধনতন্ত্রের দাসত্ব পেয়েছি ।

27. Business thrives on thieving and the victim is the common man.

28. You thieve, you steal, you rob, you plunder - you amass wealth at the cost of the masses. And this you call your business of life? Is this not your ugly face of capitalism?

29. মানুষেরই মধ্যে তো গঙ্গা, অন্তঃসলীলা, চিরজাহ্নবী, স্রোতস্বিনী ।

30. Indians held the Indians down during the British tyranny. This was the tragedy that had overcome our motherland.

31. জয় হিন্দ বলতে গিয়ে যেন বন্দে মাতরমকে ভুলে না যাই |

32. দেশের অধিকাংশ মানুষ দারিদ্রে নিপতীত হবেন গুটিকয়েক শিল্পপতির অজস্র ধনরাশি আহরণের যজ্ঞাহূতি হয়ে - এই না হলে ঈশ্বরের ন্যায়বিচার ?

33. British Raj or brutish Raj? These are the skulls of our ancestors who were slaughtered to maintain the Raj.

34. A comprehensive history of the revolutionary movement of India must be chronicled soon for our younger generations to come alive in inspired active patriotism.

35. Remember Durga Bhabi, wife of Bhagvaticharan Vohra, who had posed as Bhagat Singh's wife in his escape from Lahore after the Saunders assassination?

36. There must be earnestness in all our work. Only then may we achieve excellence in every endeavour which is the prelude to perfection, both in the individual arena and in the national realm.

37. What you are, you induce in others.

38. I will highlight episodes from the freedom movement and provide my analyses of them in simple language. Please read and respond.

39. সুর প্রকৃতিতে রয়েছে ; তারই অল্প গলায় ধারণ করা ।

40. অন্তর্সংগীত শোনা যায় | এক বিরাট বিশ্ব সেখানে সংগীতমুখর | স্হাবরজঙ্গম ঐকতানিক সূত্রে বাঁধা |

41. বেদান্তবুদ্ধি আক্ষরিক অর্থে যেমন বিচারপূর্বক ইন্দ্রিয়সংযম, আর এক অর্থে তেমনি তা সহানুভূতির সম্প্রসারণ |

42. Intelligent people will all die and fools abound in the world. Such is the cultural predicament of the day.

43. উন্নত সংস্কার না হলে কিছুই হবে না | সবই প্রাকসংস্কারে বাঁধা | কর্মের অমোঘ গতিকে কে রোধ করবে ?

44. Hard work, intelligently done and with honesty and integrity, is bound to succeed in the long run, for character ever triumphs.

45. যিনি সরল, তিনি সাধু |

46. সরল হওয়ার অর্থ সোজা পথে চলা, নির্বুদ্ধিতা নয় |

47. সময় তো লাগবেই
যিনি মানুষের বিবর্তনের জন্য আসেন, তিনি সে বিবর্তন প্রায়শই দেখে যেতে পারেন না | তিনি শুধু বীজ বপন করে যান | ভবিষ্যৎ প্রজন্ম সেই বীজকে বৃক্ষে পরিণত হতে দেখে | পরে তা মহীরূহে রূপান্তরিত হয় -- পুস্পিত, পল্লবিত, ঋষিপদাঙ্কিত, বেদবিশিষ্ট জীবন্ত মহারণ্যে |

48. We only see what we see but there is so much we see not what we can see if only we wish.

49. মানুষের আত্মবিশ্বাসটিই আসল | ওটি ঠিক থাকলে সব ঠিক থাকবে | নিজের ওপর বিশ্বাস হারাবেন না |

50. স্বামীজীকে চিনেছিল বিপ্লবীরা | আর কে তেমন করে চিনল ?

51. We should not lay the blame on the government alone for our ignorance. Education depends on self-effort as well.

52. Our inadequacies of character, attributes and achievements we cannot absolve by blaming Gandhi and Nehru for all of it. We are responsible as well for much of it. In fact how at all these two seminal figures may be held responsible for our personal failings is very much the moot point.

53. ইতিহাস রচনা করতে না পারি, ইতিহাস পড়তে তো পারি | রাজেন্দ্রনাথ লাহিড়ী, শচীন্দ্রনাথ সান্যাল, ঠাকুর রোশন সিং, ভগবতীচরণ ভোরা - এঁরা কে ছিলেন ?

54. We may not be making history in any significant sense but certainly can study it in no mean manner. Who were Rajendranath Lahiri, Sachindranath Sanyal, Thakur Roshan Singh and Bhagvaticharan Vohra?

55. "দেশটা পচে মরে গেছে," বলেছিলেন স্বামীজী | অনেক সাধনা, অনেক তপস্যা, অনেক স্বার্থত্যাগ আর অমানুষিক নির্যাতনের বিনিময়ে স্বাধীনতা এসেছে | তাকে সুরক্ষিত করুন, সমৃদ্ধ করুন জ্ঞানে, প্রেমে, শক্তিসঞ্চয়ে |
56. Spirituality is self-reliance.

57. There must be some justice somewhere, perhaps in the theory of karma, that makes life not a tyrant's plaything. Some accountability somewhere must be the underlying principle.

58. আধ্যাত্মিকতার অপর নাম আত্মনির্ভরশীলতা |

59. He is the world citizen who sees the whole world as his country. He embraces the whole of humanity as his own. Such a one is in truth rare.

60. The world moves on at its own evolutionary pace. Transformation of the world is, thus, a function of time. We can only offer our service to the world and that, too, out of our nature's impulsion and to arrive at purification of the mind-stuff which is all that there is to work, the giver of experience.

61. Nationalism, patriotism and its ilk are all rooted in character-formation. Only an integrated personality can claim to be a nationalist or a patriot. It is time for politicians to review their status in regard to this. The hypocrisy and the hoax will be obvious on introspection.

62. Would Britain forgive India if India were to colonise her and despoil her of 45 trillion dollars worth of wealth and 35 million of British lives?

63. Would Britain forgive India if India were to colonise her and despoil her of 45 trillion dollars worth of wealth and 35 million of British lives?

64. The Bridge of India must be built over our dead bodies for posterity to prosper. Humanity rises through innumerable cycles of birth and death as experience and evolution gather fuel for the final flourish leading to liberation.

65. Churchill, Hitler, Stalin, Mao -- your choice of under whose governance you would suffer the most.

66. নেতাজীর তথাকথিত বিবাহ নিয়ে আবার যল্পনা শুরু | এবার কী আবার নতুন বই বিবাহের কাল্পনিক প্রমাণসহ ?

67. ভগবনজীও মানব আবার তাঁর নিজসাক্ষকে উদ্ভট যুক্তি দিয়ে উড়িয়ে দিয়ে নেতাজীর বিবাহকাণ্ড প্রতিষ্ঠিত করব, এতো ভারী বিড়ম্বনা ! সেরকমই তো চলছে |

68. নেতাজীকে নিয়ে বাণিজ্য দিব্যি চলছে ! বই, বক্তৃতা, নিত্যনতুন আষাঢ়ে গল্প ফাঁদা ও তার প্রতিষ্ঠার প্রয়াসে উদ্ভট যুক্ত প্রদর্শন -- বেশ কাটে বাজারে !

69. Death stalks everywhere. Life is but a brief interlude that reveals more each time the soul visits the earth in its embodied self till the final revelation releases forever from the fetters that bind. Then all is peace at last.

70. Hinduism is in real danger of perversion in the hands of fraud Gurus. Beware of all popular Gurus with mass following !

71. Gandhi's being called the 'Father of the Nation' means that India's nationhood is a recent Constitutional construct. But is that so?

72. দিনরাত শুধু দেশের সমস্যার কথা বললেই হবে না, সমাধানও খুঁজে বের করতে হবে | তবেই দেশের প্রতি যথার্থভাবে কর্তব্য পালন করা হবে |

73. The best way to serve the country is to improve one's talents and skills and to lay them at the service of one's fellow beings.

74. A localised love is selfish but when it is extended to 1.38 billion Indians, it is much like loving humanity itself.

75. When the chances of God-realisation are so remote, it is best to live one's life serving others and so evolving unto that sublime spiritual state whence the final plunge into the ocean of God may be taken. 76. শুধু শিক্ষিত হলেই হবে না, সংস্কৃতিবান হওয়া চাই |

77. We are indeed a nation of copious population, all quantity and no quality. The dilution in cultural standards is alarming.

78. On this Teacher's Day let us pledge to learn more and shout less.

79. বাংলাদেশের সকল মানুষের কাছে বাংলাভাষার যা মর্যাদা তেমনটি পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মানুষের কাছে নয় | এখানে ইংরেজীর ইজ্জত বেশী |

80. বর্তমান কোনো রাজনৈতিক নেতা বা নেত্রীর বিপ্লবীদের নাম নেওয়ারও নৈতিক অধিকার নেই কারণ সম্পূর্ণ ও সর্বাঙ্গীন স্বাধীনতার স্বপ্ন এঁদের দ্বারাই ব্যর্থ হয়েছে |

81. If you are sincere, you will succeed. There is no other way.

82. No education policy, however skilfully crafted, will succeed unless politics be removed from university campuses.

83. Netaji was a brilliant student and it will be most meet if we emulate him by becoming serious students of history.

84. Netaji stood second in the Matriculation Examinations. How was our performance in the same? As ardent followers of the leader, let us ask ourselves this question.

85. In talking about Sri Ramakrishna we only manage to talk about ourselves. This is called 'camouflaged worldliness'.

86. Desires are possible to overcome only when desires have been largely satiated. Thus, fulfilment comes only in the fullness of time.

87. Men dupe themselves when they call themselves devotees. All that such devotion comprises is a selfish clinging to self.

88. Where vice is rationalised as virtue, there decay sets in. We are in such an age.

89. Income falls, expenditure rises. This is the negative balance of payments in life we all endure.

90. The perfect disciple is the one who follows the Guru like a shadow till in the high noon of realisation the twain become one.

91. Spirituality is the offspring of purity and sincerity.

92. প্রশংসাটি নিলে নিন্দাটি নিতে হবে ; গুণের অংশীদার হলে দোষের ভাগীদারও হতে হবে |

93. বাড়ী বানায় গরীবে, থাকে বড়লোক |

94. Britain owes her freedom from the fascists to the Indian soldiers who fought for her and India owes her Partition to the British who by way of gratitude paid her the return gift in typical British coin.

95. Let the Education Ministry fire up the coming generations with a powerful narrative of the revolutionary movement for freedom.

96. If the Government of India is serious about rebuilding India, it should give maximum prominence to the personality and principles of the patriot perennial, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and his illustrious predecessor, Rash Behari Bose. Let this be done and the nation will rise with an electric effect.

97. Gandhiji's contribution to the freedom struggle is undeniable but his massive failure in final delivery of it is undeniable as well.

98. Parents, get your children to learn Hindustani classical music. In it lies the seed of the best culture of India.

99. But do not be deluded by all the claims that classical musicians by the cartloads make these days of being Pandits, Ustads and Vidushees. They are far from deserving such honorifics.

100. However, Hindustani classical music can best be learnt from a Guru and not so well in a music school, for the intricacies are many in a raga that can best be absorbed from listening to the renditions of an accomplished performer who is a willing teacher as well.

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