The armed revolutionaries stood head and shoulders above Gandhi and his followers in their love of the motherland. Their sacrifices remain unparalleled in the annals of our freedom movement. But for the narrative of their supreme and sublime sacrifice for our motherland's freedom, I would have lost all idealism today when the spirituality of even professed monastics has become a farce and decadence rules every aspect of national life with the capitalists the high-priest of our adoration of the motherland and money as the highest offering at the altar of Mammon who has replaced the God of India in no uncertain terms.
In this bleak scenario of the dual rule of the dollar and desire shines with undimmed lustre the sublime sacrifices of the revolutionaries of our nation who simply gave their all to liberate their motherland which truly they beheld as their dearest mother. All else fades before the love these daredevils of Mother India bore her and it is the memory of this that sustains me in an hour of terrible spiritual crisis when everywhere I behold but hypocrisy in the name of the Lord and a despicable destitution in terms of character in men who lead their flock from the ramparts of the Red Fort and from the preacher's pulpit.
The revolutionaries gave up their lives at the gallows, from the thrust of the bayonet and the bullet and at the mouth of the canon but they live on in men like me who grope for a flicker of hope in idealistic living, a glimmer in the dark night of despair when the devil delivers his deceptive dance and duplicitous dealers deal the deathblow to the destiny of our divine motherland. The revolutionaries live on and in the penumbra of their memory, I live on, too, an insignificant but idealistic son of the soil that had once bred these supernal souls. Vande Mataram !
Written by Sugata Bose
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