Wednesday, 31 October 2018



This is the person you go to when you have lost your peace. She will restore you to health and happiness and, if it is your good fortune and if it be her grace, she may even give you her vision in a dream and bless you. Life then will be altered for good and you shall be transformed in character beyond self-recognition and a new being from within you will surface and take charge of the course of things. Your face will glow, your voice will deepen and become melodious, and your whole personality will colour up with the light of her love which will open horizons of human love within you far beyond the boundaries of your immediate environs and make you a seminal figure of universal sympathy. Such a powerful transformation shall it be that the very memory of your hapless days will be erased almost from your mind and you will spend your days and hours in contemplation of world welfare and human development.

The Mother is all-powerful, Swamiji used to say, and he exhorted us to demand her grace in a heroic manner instead of cringing before her. A gracious glance from her eyes will make heroes out of ordinary men and deliver them from earthly ills for good. Mother is the maker and breaker of fate and she is the dispenser of the fruits of action. No wonder even the great Adi Shankaracharya wrote hymns in praise of her and invoked her blessings to open up the path to liberation for succeeding generations of monastics. To us, today, she is Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi, divine consort of Sri Ramakrishna, the Avatar of the age, and the giver of unearthly love to her countless children who only need to address her once from the heart as 'Ma' for her to open up the reservoirs of her divine grace for them and bestow on them peace, bliss and knowledge.

So, why, friend, are you anxious and distraught with a thousand worries, why do you struggle with a million miseries when your Mother has come to your doorstep to liberate you and absorb you in her form? Give up all such vanity, all self-assertion, all humility which is egotism gone into milder mode but is egotism, nonetheless, and arise to once behold the face of your mother when she lifts her veil to look upon her child in tender affection. May Mother bless you all! Jai Ma!

Written by Sugata Bose



This album clearly shows who the Math authorities consider to be Sri Ramakrishna's direct monastic disciples. They apparently number 16 with Swami Nirmalananda being the notable exclusion from the list despite his person being mentioned in 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' as a direct disciple of Thakur. Why this ought to be is unclear and it is time for the average devotee to overcome these organisational barriers and do justice to Tulsi Maharaj (Swami Nirmalananda) by taking up the study of his life and be inspired by it to do something worthwhile for society. So far as Swami Nirmalananda is concerned, it is high time as well to relocate him officially where he belongs as a satellite of the stellar personality of the Avatar of the age.

Despite the passage of over eight decades since the discord between Tulsi Maharaj and the Belur Math authorities over the governance of several Southern centres of the Math and Mission, this issue seems to be the cause of this neglect of Thakur's brilliant disciple in terms of recognition as such. But history is history and cannot be altered, and, as such, needs to be recorded as events have rolled out irrespective of personal or institutional preference. Thus, Swami Nirmalananda ought to be in all fairness accorded his rightful place among his brother disciples, Vivekananda, Brahmananda et al and this travesty of truth ought to be relegated to the wastebin of history. The world must not be thus deprived of the inspiration that Tulsi Maharaj still is, perhaps in dynamism second only to Swamiji, and his recognition as Sri Ramakrishna's direct disciple now the crying need of the hour when most of the erstwhile channels of inspiration are drying up. May Tulsi Maharaj get his due from the Math authorities and may he guide us towards a stronger commitment to man and his Master's Mission!

Jai Thakur! Jai Ma! Jai Swamiji! Jai Ramakrishna Sangha!

Written by Sugata Bose

Tuesday, 30 October 2018



The fund for building the dining hall at Mother's House (Mayer Bari), Baghbazar, Kolkata, is going on slowly but steadily with some of the devotees contributing on a monthly basis and keeping the movement alive. May Mother bless them for their devotion! However, projects like these do take time to complete as they wholly depend upon public munificence. I exhort all to come forward and contribute to the cause for it is a very rare opportunity for all to do so as Mother's House seldom appeals for funds for any project that they may undertake. A small contribution will do and repeated such will keep our movement going strong.

The present dining hall is too small to accommodate a significantly large number of people for partaking of prasad (consecrated food) during festivals. Consequently, it takes an inordinate length of time to go through the motions of feeding thousands of devotees during these special days which much inconveniences the whole programme. Keeping these in view the authorities have undertaken this project of constructing a new dining hall where over a thousand devotees may be accommodated at once and fed. The estimated project cost is INR 5 crore and this amount will be used to vacate and relocate the tenants of the adjoining plot of land and to construct the proposed dining hall there.

Mother's prasad we all love to partake of. Now let us facilitate this programme whereby a far greater number of devotees may be able to receive this consecrated food and be so purified by Mother's grace. Jai Ma!

Written by Sugata Bose



Devotees should give up assumed omniscience post-initiation in the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission and their consequent so-called association with the senior monks of the Order. It is obnoxious to be frequently told by some of these freshly initiated ones that they have superior knowledge and wisdom gleaned from a few books of Swamiji that they have read and a few monks, 'senior' for sure, that they have been associating with for the past couple or so years. If this is not laughable matter, pray, what is?

Such superior ones should keep their own counsel and confirm ill-founded knowledge by humble seeking of truth whereupon they will be better placed one day to share more secure facts sounded in realisation to a degree. This ought to be the attitude and not peremptory preaching based on sudden stumbling upon certain data and their spiritually immature interpretation and arriving at incorrect inference thereof which they then deem it to be justified in foisting over others by forceful assertions that lack in substance, though. When countered with reasoned argument and evidence, some of these fresh initiates behave in an unseemly manner that smacks of arrogance and an air full of the assumption of a sort of a special belonging to the Math and Mission's hierarchical order by way of close association that has made them privy to privileged understanding of the workings and ideals of the organisation.

Our duty then remains in paying obeisance to these new luminous legatees of the Mission's heritage and I wonder if we ought to alter our decades-old devotional stance to the Holy Trinity by replacing them with these new gods and goddesses of the 'emergent Order'.

Written by Sugata Bose



Swami Nirmalananda is not recognised by Belur Math, it seems, as a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna despite reference in 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' that he was so. Belur Math apparently adheres to Swami Gambhirananda's account in his 'History of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission' where Swami Nirmalananda has not been accorded discipleship of Thakur. The matter remains unresolved still and the President Maharaj's room continues to be adorned by the photographs of 16 monastic disciples of the Master with Nirmalanandaji being the notable exception. Why this ought to be so is not clarified by Belur Math and devotees remain in the dark as to this contentious issue. Swami Gambhirananda's Bengali biographical book on the direct disciples of Thakur, 'Sri Sri Ramakrishna Bhaktamalika' has left out Swami Nirmalananda from the list of the studies and so has Swami Chetanananda in his much sold book 'God Lived With Them' where he chronicles the lives of all the direct disciples of Thakur save Nirmalananda Swami. In 'The Story of Ramakrishna Mission -- Swami Vivekananda's Vision and Fulfilment' as well Swami Nirmalananda is a forgotten figure in so far as being a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna is concerned. In countless lectures delivered by the monks of the Ramakrishna Order that were heard by this author over three decades there was never a single instance to his reckoning when the name of Swami Nirmalananda was mentioned by way of being a disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Other disciples like Swamis Premananda, Turiyananda, Ramakrishnananda, Akhandananda, Vijnanananda, Shivananda, Adbhutananda and the rest he has heard by way of frequent reference but never Swami Nirmalananda, never ever even once. This seems strange in the light of the fact that 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' records him as a direct disciple of Thakur.

The proper chronicling of the history of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission demands that the truth about the matter be revealed just as Swamiji ever averred that truth ought to be as clear as daylight and that there should be no mystery-mongering about it. As such it is time that the Belur Math authorities make a clear statement as to their official stance in this matter. Mere conjecture in this regard confuses more than it clarifies and creates unnecessary differences among devotees leading to bickering which may be and must be avoided by clarification provided by Belur Math by way of final clearance of all doubts. Such clarification must be founded on fact and not hearsay, documented evidence and not unsubstantial narrative. Moreover, it must be here mentioned that whenever a discussion like this comes up, there are those who apparently care overmuch for Tulsi Maharaj who cannot bear this discussion at all out of their superlative devotion for the Master and his apostles (Tulsi Maharaj excluded, of course) and who would wish to sweep these 'nasty' things under the carpet in their bid to exhibit their great devotion to the holy lot. These diversions notwithstanding, truth must come out and see both the light of day and discussion prior to its discovery or revelation. May Mother bless us all as we bring home this forgotten apostle of the Master and offer our worship to him for being what he was and doing what he did for his divine Guru!

Written by Sugata Bose

Monday, 29 October 2018

VIJNAN MAHARAJ TURNS 150 (30 OCT, 1868 -- 30 OCT, 2018)

VIJNAN MAHARAJ TURNS 150 (30 OCT, 1868 -- 30 OCT, 2018)

Today is the sesquicentenary (150th year) of Swami Vijnanananda's advent on earth. He was born on 30 October, 1868. It is a momentous occasion and we ought to with its due celebration pay our respectful homage to this great disciple of Sri Ramakrishna.

Hariprasanna Chatterjee qualified to be a civil engineer from the Poona College of Science in 1892. He then took up employment as district engineer of Gazipur. But his early association with Sri Ramakrishna and innate tendencies quickened the fire of renunciation within him and he joined the Order in 1896 at the Alambazar Math.

In 1899 Hariprasanna took up the formal vows of sannyasa and was accorded the monastic name Vijnanananda. By then the Belur Math had come into being and Vijnanananda set himself to the task of remodelling the existing building and constructing new buildings to provide for increased space to accommodate the large number of inmates. He also constructed the old shrine.

The Belur Math being situated on the bank of the Ganga, the river water eroded the banks and ate into the land area of the monastery. This concerned Swami Vivekananda much and he commissioned Vijnanananda to redress the situation. Accordingly, the latter built a massive embankment along the river edge of the monastery that has ever since withstood the onslaught of erosion and protected the monastery from this hazard.

At the express commandment of Swami Vivekananda, Swami Vijnanananda established a new centre of the Order at Allahabad and stayed the rest of his life there, an illumined sage of rare spiritual attainments but completely hidden from public gaze till he was unwillingly brought into the limelight when he was appointed Vice President of the Order after the demise of Swami Shivananda. Thereafter, with the passing away of Swami Akhandananda, he became the fourth President of the Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission in March, 1937 and it was during his Presidential tenure that he oversaw the construction of the new Ramakrishna Temple which he consecrated on 14 January, 1938.

As President of the Order Swami Vijnanananda initiated many disciples including the last President of the Order, Swami Atmasthananda, and the present President of the Sri Sarada Math and the Ramakrishna Sarada Mission, Pravrajika Bhaktiprana. Swami Vandanananda and Swami Swahananda were two other noted disciples of Swami Vijnanananda.

This leonine monk returned to Allahabad while he was President of the Order and entered mahasamadhi on 25 April, 1938.

An interesting episode about Swami Vijnanananda was that he was specifically instructed by his master, Sri Ramakrishna, to be careful about feminine company. This instruction so got into his head that he observed it to the letter all his life, even as President of the Order. One of his senior brother disciples used to joke about him that Vijnanananda would not let even a female mosquito enter the precincts of the Allahabad Math, let alone women. In this regard Swami Vijnanananda must have played a specific representative role of the Master in exemplifying his dictum of absolute renunciation of female company for the monastic.

Swami Ranganathananda was fond of recounting his experience with Swami Vijnanananda. When the young monk went to Allahabad to seek the sage's blessings for his intended work among the youth, the venerable old man allowed him merely to touch his feet and then summarily dismissed him by asking him to drink water from the tap and be gone for his work. The blessing, for sure, was given silently but there was no outward expression of it. Such was the austere Hariprasanna Maharaj, Swamiji's adorable Pesan, a man of few words and much work who spent a lifetime in silent service for humanity with little or no outward show, a sage immersed in contemplation of the Divine and in realisation of the highest principles of the scriptures.

Yet another singular episode I am being reminded of what I had heard from the lips of Swami Lokeshwarananda in a lecture class of his. The story goes like this. It was a hot summer day at Belur Math and Swami Vivekananda was feeling very thirsty. He asked his attendant to serve him a glass of ice-cold water which he presently drank off in a gulp or two. Having emptied the glass tumbler of its contents, Swamiji sent his attendant brahmachari to offer the same to Swami Vijnanananda who was toiling away in the adjoining field overseeing the work of construction of the embankment by the masons. It was a hot and sultry day and Vijnan Maharaj was himself feeling mighty thirsty when in stepped Swamiji's emissary to offer the empty tumbler and exhorting him to drink off the water in it as he had been commanded by Swamiji to say. Perplexed and vexed at this strange request to drink from an empty tumbler, Vijnan Maharaj reflected for a moment and then complied by pouring off the one or two drops of water that still lingered on the walls of the tumbler. As he was doing so, he thought to himself what a practical joke Swamiji was cracking on him in this sweltering heat of summer but no sooner had the drops of water touched his throat than he felt a cooling sensation all over his body that completely took his tiredness off and refreshed him almost magically. He then understood Swamiji's grace on him and the love he bore his brother disciples.

The above episode is a classic illustration of the Mahabharata shloka 'tasmin tushtey jagat tushtam' (Lord, if Thou art satisfied, the world is satisfied as well).

This is our Vijnan Maharaj, the incarnation of Jambavant, Sri Ramachandra's divine associate, as identified by Sri Ramakrishna, who had at the Master's exhortation wrestled with him and who was so defeated by the Master's divine contact that he remained in his bond of love for ever after. As an aside to this may be cited Swami Vijnanananda's great affinity for the Ramayana which he read up thoroughly and also which he authored afresh in his advanced years. I have heard from Swami Vamanananda, Adhyaksha of the Baranagar Math, that Vijnan Maharaj would write the episodes as he saw them with his own eyes in spiritual vision. Such are the children of Thakur, beyond our faintest conception bound in time and space.

Just as I was about to sign off from this narrative came to mind another episode from the Swami's life which is of momentous significance for he history of the Order.

On 14 January, 1938 Swami Vijnanananda consecrated the new temple of Sri Ramakrishna at Belur Math. He, thus, fulfilled the wish of Swami Vivekananda of erecting a memorial to the Master on the banks of the Ganga, an aspiration that had remained unfulfilled during the life of the Swami but which he had entrusted his beloved Pesan to accomplish when times would be propitious for the fruition of such an expensive project. Swamiji had further said that he would watch the proceedings from above on the appointed day.

After the consecration was over, Swami Vijnanananda retired to his room and was seated there with some of the monks of the Order among which was Bharat Maharaj who now promptly asked him whether Swamiji had fulfilled his promise made to him years earlier. And Vijnan Maharaj admitted that he had indeed seen Swamiji, Raja Maharaj, Baburam Maharaj, Sharat Maharaj, Shashi Maharaj and a host of them all lined up near the ceiling of the temple and witnessing the consecration of their Master's shrine. Swamiji had kept his word after all. This narrative was reported by Swami Atmasthananda and was caught on television. Atmasthananda, an 18 year old lad then and already a disciple of Swami Vijnanananda, was on that fateful day standing by the doorstep of Swami Vijnanananda's room in Belur Math and listening to his Guru's narration of the event to Bharat Maharaj.

So, this is the story of Thakur's wrestling playmate, Swamiji's beloved Pesan and the hidden Brahmajnani of Allahabad who would hide his identity by wearing the weird attire of multiple cloaks with massive side-pockets and a cap to boot even in the hottest summer months such that street children would jeer at him and he would laughingly brush them off saying that he was Ramji's bandar (monkey). Jai Ramakrishna!

Written by Sugata Bose



Vedanta preachers must not make frequent departures to the citing of passages from popular books for it distracts attention from the central theme under discussion. This, unfortunately, is the general trend and even the youngest preacher in the fray does not seem to desist from this habitual diversion. It draws him popular support but dilutes the class in terms of the solemnity that is called for in a discussion on an abstruse text or a concept thereof. This ought not to be.

Popular culture is hardly ever spiritual and the young preacher who is otherwise doing quite well in the West needs to take stock of this objection as well. There is a certain grandeur in great music, art and literature, and the Vedanta provides just that in matters potently spiritual. It is the grandest discovery of man, this Self within, the grandest of all philosophical systems and needs to be accorded the right respect when its principles are being preached. Else, it becomes a puerile exercise of casual class talk with audiences copiously amused amid scriptural deliberations which thereby lose the concentrated essence of the perennial message they contain. It is here that rectification and adjustment needs to be urgently made but men are men and they go after the manner of the personalities they are endowed with and one has to bear these lighthearted departures with grace. Had it been otherwise, we would have complained, perhaps, of too much gravity and too little relief from the strain of a concentrated discourse. The optimal cross-reference is, therefore, the bargain to be made if the central message has to be driven home into the mind of the audience deep enough for it to gain fruition in the realm of the spirit in due time. Herein Swami Vivekananda remains the reference point for all Vedanta preachers of the Order in the West and they ought to abide by their illustrious predecessor's exemplary disposition as a Vedanta preacher himself.

May the spirit of Swamiji animate this young aspirant in dissemination of the message of the Upanishads and help bring out the best from within him! Om!

Written by Sugata Bose



If we chant our Ishtamantra diligently daily, read 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' daily as well and keep visiting the nearest monastery or mission centre of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, we will gradually feel that the delusive hold of Mahamaya is, by Her grace, slackening and our love spreading from our immediate familial confines to include progressively an expanding circle of personalities. This is easier said than done but attainable over a protracted period of unspecified time for sure and must be attempted for there is no alternative to it in the long run of human evolution through life after life on this planet of experiential sorrow and wisdom thereof.

A word more, though, and that is, we must pray frequently to Mother in all humility, love and resignation despite our severest exertions in spiritual practice and fervently exhort Her to release us unto freedom. Mother pleased, the obstacles insurmountable become like molehills that may be crossed at ease and we will so gain a sage passage through the web of Maya. May Mother bless us all! 

Written by Sugata Bose

P.S. : Remember, grace delivers after diligence has necessarily failed, for the infinite cannot be realised by finite means nor the veil of Maya lifted by human effort.



As I see proficient people making an exodus to foreign countries in search of a better living, my resolve to live and die with the toiling masses of my motherland becomes stronger evermore. I shall live here to share their woes, to stand by them and to offer solutions even in mutual distress but shall never quit the scene for ease of living elsewhere. This is my solemn pledge unto Sri Ramakrishna, the Holy Mother and to Swamiji for whom I have tried to dedicate thus far my imperfect life and shall strive to do the same in the future as well. This is my austerity, my love for my people, my motherland remaining my highest deity that I can envision all around me and feel the presence of.

Born here in India, having lived and worked here in India, I wish to die here on the lap of Mother India which shall be my final resting place. Wherever they burn my body it matters not much to me for every inch of space of my motherland is as holy as the Ganga which nourishes her. My abode has been here in my blessed motherland and may I be born thousands of times yet to kiss the very dust of hers which shall liberate me from the claims of all selfish clinging and make me one with the soul of India!

Written by Sugata Bose



Sugata Bose : Ramakrishna renounced money and must we, his devotees, pursue it by all means? Subsistence is one and surplus quite another.

Sharmistha Chatterjee : Presently gathering and treasuring so much from this discourse of yours which is directed to enlighten us and absolutely aware of such anomalies in the society, I really remain humble and would just like to say that the common householders like us , neither have the ego or the strength or the power but to submit to the vicious circle of the society.

With a wailing heart I pronounce that let me experience the inferno of Hell before I even dare to dream of being proud to do any charity to any of the citizens of the world. However ,I believe each one of us have the heart to stretch out our hands to our capabilities and pull each other more close to one another.

Sugata Bose : No, not at all. We need not meekly submit to a vicious system of human exploitation. We must put up a fight in terms of spreading awareness, living frugal, donating for sure as much as possible for worthwhile causes but never absolving ourselves, thus, of having been party to this malefic exploitation of the masses by the very system we so support. 

The entire focus of the conversation needs a shift today in the light of growing awareness of a humanity exposed to universal education and having access to greater understanding of the forces that are in play to keep the masses down for petty personal profit. Economists keep on furnishing new models of adjustment of the forces of capitalist exploitation by way of giving it a human face without understanding the fundamental principles on which phenomenal life subsists essentially. 

There can be no apology, thus, for this menace of mass destruction on a daily basis in the form of exploitation by capital, a system in which we blissfully participate as if we are helpless children and then pretend to be practitioners of piety in our bid to stifle our still-beating conscience which spares us not despite our perverse persistence in pulverising it.

Charity is good on the surface but is rotten in essence in so far as lending financial help to the dispossessed is concerned. Why must men be dispossessed of the basic means of healthy subsistence so that they remain exposed and disposed at that to receiving mercy from men who have fared better in this world of terrible inequities?

Men create inhuman inequalities that afflict society and then proceed to reduce them but not eliminate them altogether. After all, if men by the millions be not held down in abject poverty, how on earth will the millionaires derive the satisfaction of handing out the dole to them by way of practising compassion for their dispossessed brethren? What a hypocrisy it is that the very people who create poverty to become prosperous themselves then proceed to reduce the poor people's difficulties in self-subsistence by handing them out this hideous help that in the first place was plundered from them in the name of profit!

Response written to Sharmistha Chatterjee's comment by Sugata Bose

End of Part 2
To be continued ...



Sugata Bose : Ramakrishna renounced money and must we, his devotees, pursue it by all means? Subsistence is one and surplus quite another.

Sharmistha Chatterjee : If we are the earning householders, then we are the ones who can render a lending hand to an honest organisation to move forward for a greater cause. Hence we may pursue money morally and without duping others.

Sugata Bose : But the very economic system is exploitative and corruption necessarily entails even in the very participation in it by way of earning one's bread if one is at the upper end of the economic fold, for all such subsistence is at the cost of inflicted human hardship elsewhere in this brutal world of disproportionate man-made inequalities.

The act of charity is aimed at healing a wound after senselessly inflicting it on a healthy person. Why inflict it at all? Why create the unequal society where humans, no less human than you are, need your charity to survive? Why create artificial differences of a gargantuan kind through the pursuit of greed and gain and then attempt a superficial make-believe act of so-called sameness by way of redressing things gone hopelessly wrong? Why work at the surface while allowing the malefic sources to keep on breeding the virus that infects society? Call you humans gods and goddesses and dare charity to them?

Just ponder where society stands today and has stood ever despite the tallest claims to civilisation and culture that it so eloquently articulates. A few prosper to enjoy life at the cost of billions that suffer to provide for that enjoyment. System after system has been tried on earth in every country to assuage human misery, theory after theory has been churned out, yet, billions suffer even today in a manner that makes civilisation a mockery and human life a hellish experience save for the fleeting moments of love and tenderness even the poor and the dispossessed feel in their hours of youthful health and vigour, in the very sunshine of the blossoming springtime of their youth.

The third vice, greed, of the human personality seems to hold humanity in its octopus grip and refuses to relent even as the ego divides and separates brothers of the same family into disparate units warring for domination over each other. This senseless separation is fraught with ignorance of the higher realities of life and is the root cause of all human misery beyond what Nature causes to the physical self on account of its placement within its inimical ambit.

Philosophers come and philosophers go and new theories are manufactured, laws discovered and methods devised to counter the corrosive conditions of human inequality but the situation hardly improves for this is a world of multitudinous variables that are seemingly impossible to control in a population mass so very ignorant of the essential principles of life and living. Perhaps, in a smaller sample of the human population experiments may be conducted to see as to how inequalities may be reduced effectively to conduce to higher human welfare but the situation seems impossible on the global level as of now with nations in a predatory mood ever surveying the landscape in their bid to prey over weaker nations but with resources available for loot.

Marx offered his material solutions of sorts but they have led to terrible dictatorships of individuals with devilish intents who have mercilessly slaughtered millions in the name of manufacturing an egalitarian society free of exploitation.

In the past military might of monarchs has ruled and now rules the capital which slowly but surely drains the blood of society and careers it upward till two sharply divided classes develop that are in coarse conflict with each other. In the meantime millions die unnoticed for this modern holocaust of the Industrial Revolution is not so apparent as Hitler's was but kills no less mercilessly, nonetheless. It is the silent crushing power of capital that is at the base of the world's major conflicts and is the mother of all the wars that have decimated populations over the last few centuries.

Colonialism the world over by the European powers was the handiwork of this menace of capitalism that sought raw materials from resource-rich militarily weaker nations and led to the enslavement of these nations to fuel the factories of these predatory western powers. Two World Wars have been fought to resolve differences and the system of classical colonialism has been broken down but the masked face of deceit wears a fresher garb in neocolonialism as military technology tyrannises over the weak and reduces nations to rubble in the twinkling of an eye. The situation seems hopelessly sterile in terms of future possibilities of a solution as tribalism reigns supreme even today in the form of technologically advanced nationalism which, despite two world cataclysms, seems a thriving prospect in impending human doom. The ego pervades it all, this self-defeating, self-breeding, self-annihilating mode in primeval ignorance of one's eternal spiritual verities.

Civilisation has been built on the frozen blood of the billions who have died for its birth and all those who vaunt of human attainments in the past need only to take cognisance of the astronomical cost in terms of human blood that it has entailed. Nonetheless, civilisation has progressed from its barbarous savage state in the forests and in caves to its modern mansions from where aristocrats and, now, business tycoons dictate terms to the rest of humanity as if they are the lords and masters of this planet by lineage and the legatees of all its resources thereof.

Now here lies the problem and the solution seems nowhere. Communism has been tried as a systemic antidote to capitalism but has itself turned pernicious by allowing invariably the dictatorship of a coterie or, at its worst, an individual which has ruined human hopes of a redemption and brought about catastrophic decimation of populations in the name of revolution.

So, where lies the solution? Perhaps, there is not any. The world may be, to phrase it as Swami Vivekananda did, a tottering building where a repair done at one end opens up a crack at another. The very solution seems to be the cause of a future problem. It is an eternal adjustment of cards in a dream, so to say, where the very vagary of the phenomenon leads to a continuous disorder and disparity seems a generic proposition. Such is Maya in Vedanta terms and it is here that the battle lies in fighting inequality.

Is it possible? Why not? If it is possible to battle it out on one's individual front, it ought to be possible to do so on the collective front as well. After all, everywhere am I, all beings are myself in a myriad guise and the essence in all is the same Self that oversees things, is the witness of phenomena and is the ultimate field of the resolution of karma and the dispenser of its fruits. This is a lofty principle which must be worked out today to overcome the delusion of the divisive self in our bid to battle inequality. Social justice will then be when large numbers of people the world over realise the futility of selfish living and the efficacy of unselfish existence in a world that will pass in a frothy flicker of physical decay and death.

But the system has to change and is that possible? Let us ponder over the reality as it is and the imperatives as they are before in further deliberations we seek solutions if there be any.

Response written to Sharmistha Chatterjee's comment by Sugata Bose

End of Part 1
To be continued ...

Sunday, 28 October 2018



The beauty of Swami Sarvapriyananda's discourses is the innocence of purity that he exudes as opposed to the crookedness manifest in like discourses of the fake Gurus that abound and are being followed by millions of fools who cannot distinguish between good and bad, between the holy and the holy, and between the sage and the charlatan. Swami Sarvapriyananda is Sri Ramakrishna's emissary to the West and will, by Thakur's grace, dispel the darkness that has been and is being created by the agents of unholiness masquerading as enlightened men, seekers of gold, silver, power and pelf who have corrupted the spiritual scene at home here and abroad.

The sledgehammer blows of chastity will break through the citadels of untruth and bring to book these charlatans, these verbose so-called seekers of truth, these miracle mongers and ace practitioners of magic, these merchants of medicine of fantastic claims to cure, these blowers of air through the nostrils for management of stress that lays no emphasis, though, on renunciation as the basis of spirituality. All these fraudulent people will soon be reduced to their primal sizes as the audience becomes discerning gradually and begins to, so, reject the fake Gurus who are spreading myths in place of scriptural truths everywhere and making false claims to enlightenment.

Swami Sarvapriyananda is young, energetic, erudite, eloquent and, yet, of surpassing humility, ever willing to lend his ears to a query, however insignificant or out of focus it may be, never losing poise or grace while addressing his audience or answering a question, and, above all, seems so compassionate by nature that he instantly draws his listeners into his spiritual ambit by the magic touch of his overflowing love. Our great hope lies in this young monk and, for myself, I wholeheartedly wish him a steady progress in his mission to educate the West in the Vedanta, and on a more personal note for him, I wish him enlightenment by the grace of Thakur. May Mother bless this pure child of her divine love! Jai Ma!

Written by Sugata Bose



Tushar Kanti Chowdhury : Pronam lokmata

Nilanjana Chakraborty : What a glorious entity she was! What a flawless example of true love and dedication she was!

Juthika Sarkar : কত জন্ম ধন্য হলে
নিবেদিতা আসে
গুরুর মত গুরু মেলে
ধ্যানের অবকাশে
গুরু ধ্যান গুরু গ্মান
বিবেক আর আনন্দের
মেলবন্ধন হয়
ধন্য গুরু ধন্য শিষ্যা
ভারতভূমির প্রাণপ্রতিস্ঠা,
শুভ জন্মদিনে
ঋণী করে গেলে
অনাদায়ী ঋণে

Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Sister Nivedita was one of the greatest of women who sacrificed so that a country can live with dignity honour and with freedom. She was the most Dedicated and enlightened among Swamiji 's devotees, nay the devotees of Shree Thakur and Shree Shree MA. Shree Shree MA loved Her very deeply and was visibly hurt when She found that then RKM' s dedicated sannyasins could not reach out the even bare assistance which Sister needed while toiling and agonizing along with Shree Aurobindo and freedom fighters for the cause of our freedom.

RKM sannyasins were helpless too since the British spies were keeping a strong vigil on Sister as well as on them. The fact remains so that when Shree Aurobindo was arrested by the British She languished in the Jugantar office without food or medicines She needed.

It was the grace and magnanimity of SIR J C Bose which impelled the famous scientist to rescue Her and got Her treated for some time irrespective of the British government 's menacing espionage, of which the RKM was then quite aware of.

Sir J C. BOSE finally took Her to Darjeeling where She Breathed Her last and while knowing that Her Salvation was near, She chanted the most revered mantra, "bharat, bharat.."

Hardly ever had the world then come across such an illumined Soul who sacrificed for another country.. Where She was not born... Albeit the fact She was so much drawn to that hallowed nation, that day after despairing day the Sister Lived for the country under ruthless British yoke. The world will never see the One like that of the Sister.. The Supreme Deering - do, an unsurpassed indomitable Will, Towering resilience and above all Her love for 🇮🇳India and still more significant a all - pervading devotion and love for Her Guru, has made Her an Blazing Angel, like an Angel 😇 Gabriel who stands ever with a flaming sword. Her Flaming Sword was Her unflinching Faith...

She was a devotee who felt that India 🇮🇳 needed Her loving care, the mantra which Swamiji instilled into Her

She manifested the dazzle of Swamiji, the love and care of Her Great Master... Her Life was a "celebration of Spirit" which in Tolstoy 's words "sings life and nature.."

One who gave up Her Life at the Altar of India 🇮🇳' s rip - roaring , nerve - shattering freedom movement.

Her Life was a subtle fusion a Divine union of action and contemplation, the way Swamiji taught...

The way which influenced many revolutionaries and above all our beloved indisputed Leader Netaji..

She was a Flower 🌸 which was offered with unerring devotion at The Mother 's Lotus Feet..

Her entire life was one of tragedy looming on Her, the last when She lost THE MASTER..

No words no episodes of Her Lifetime.. No tales or annals will do justice to Her most Dedicated lifetime of service to India 🇮🇳.

Jai shree Thakur jai Shree MA jai Swamiji 🙏

Pronam Sister Nivedita

Sugata Bose : You must post this piece immediately on VIVEKANANDA YOUTH MISSION, Bhaskar.

Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Sugata Bose aye aye sir

Sugata Bose : Bhaskar, this piece on Sister is the best I have ever read, so full of love, overwhelming emotion, swelling and surging, inundating the banks of human appreciation and adoration thereof.

Nilanjana Chakraborty : Sugata Bose sir I second you.

Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Sugata Bose my enlightened friend. While writing I felt I was one in a daze.... This never occurred to me earlier. I wrote on Her earlier also

Nilanjana Chakraborty : What a wonderful projection of facts !

Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Nilanjana Chakraborty I just could hurriedly edit. Please forgive if any error took place

Nilanjana Chakraborty : Sir we must ignore the technical error but understand the wavelength that we are belongings to.

Nilanjana Chakraborty : Sister is the finest definition of a roaring lioness who alone can win the battle of thousands adversity, never bothered to dictate the fearful soldiers to buck up and bang on again and again, polite and sophisticated lady with a garden like heart, compassionate mother of a many hungry baby birds, nature within the nature herself, we must cultivate her powerful essence deep inside our heart and soul, she is still alive.

Sugata Bose : Beautifully articulated, Nilanjana, straight from the heart which is what makes for its enduring appeal. I only wish that you keep on writing inspiring bits and pieces like this one and help the cause to roll on in the right direction. You are young and idealistic with a fine intellect and emotion to complement it. Hence, your future posts on the movement will be eagerly awaited by me and I anticipate that they will charge up the youth with the vigour they possess but are, perhaps, unaware of. It is in this regard that I seek your help in bolstering the movement and I am quite sure you shall not fail me in this regard. God bless you, Nilanjana, and may Sister bless you, too, on this her auspicious birthday!

Nilanjana Chakraborty : Sugata Bose sir perhaps we are the seeds that you are expecting to be developed and we'll nourished from inside out. You are the master of many like me and your words are equivalent to blessing for me. We are bound to be revealed gradually and follow the pathways of our masters like you and the divine himself.

Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Enlightened friend Sugata, sister Nilanjana I loved the responses so spontaneous as they are, with honour.

Sugata Bose ; Bhaskar, will you permit me to post this COLLECTIVE TRIBUTE TO SISTER on my blog? It will help save this post and thwart its loss otherwise amid the multitude of posts on my profile and page.

Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Sugata Bose sure great one. You will do me an honour dear

Nilanjana Chakraborty : It's a melodious and well tuned composition of purest emotions dedicated to our one and only sister of dignity, spirituality and mankind . We must breath her every moment that we live even if we die ,must not forget the composition that we are born to play every time.

Bhaskar Sen Sharma : Nilanjana Chakraborty most nobly contrived and given Vent to

Nilanjana Chakraborty : Bhaskar Sen Sharma Sir thanks for encouraging every time and sharing
your beautiful thoughts with us.

Sugata Bose : Sister Nivedita was a multidimensional personality the like of which seldom visits the earth. I hope I am not overstepping limits of sanity in saying that she is the eternal companion of the Lord. In this connection I am reminded of a conversation between Swami Sadananda and Sister Christine where the former reminded the latter of their past incarnation during the Buddha's time which he remembered clearly but which, evidently, the Sister had forgotten and was now being reminded of to quicken her recollection. Her vague mental associations with an old and dilapidated Buddhist vihara (monastery) in Maharashtra, a déjà vu, was the occasion of this interaction between the monk and herself.

Photo : left -- Sister Nivedita ; right -- Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose