Tuesday 8 April 2014


The current economic system in an exploding population of the world must collapse under the very weight of its inequities and contradictions. Man, long suppressed by the tyranny of ages of feudalism and, thereafter, capitalism, is coming unto himself and raising his head in the clear sky of reason and freedom. The consciousness of man has been wakened. Now, who can resist the collective force of the masses rising to self-consciousness and seeking their legitimate dues, their birthright of decent existence, their share in the common inheritance of all, the world's resources? Capitalists, beware! Your hour is fast flitting by. Soon, the collective might of the masses will grind you and your vaunted wealth to the dust. Lest such an hour rushes onto you too fast, take stock of the situation and start caring for the masses, the labourers in your factories and the farmers in your fields who produce the wealth for you but are denied their fair share of it. So, start sharing your wealth with your brethren, these teeming millions who are the salt of the Earth; earn righteously and forget not that all your acquisitions are but of two days, with your death they will be reduced to nought in your consciousness. Hence, be not attached, be not vain, shift from your acquisitive mode of unrighteous living to the renunciate's mode of righteous giving and delight in the light that you spread in many a life. Remember, the common good of all is your highest good for essentially you are in all that animates existence.

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