Sunday, 20 April 2014



Great souls are those that are grateful. Gratitude comes from strength and strength comes from purity. In the transactions that constitute life we often forget that there are principles to abide by, virtues to possess, if we are to consider ourselves humans worth the count and should we be lacking in them, we should cultivate them by emulation of the great ones, the messengers of God. Thus, the scriptures have laid down the four-fold debt we have to repay---1. pitri hreen (the debt to one's father) 2. matri hreen (the debt to one's mother) 3. rishi hreen (the debt to the seers of Truth) 4. deva hreen (the debt to the gods). This means that we are indebted to God and man from birth for our very life, our survival, and that we must repay that debt in as full a measure as is possible so that society may continue to function smoothly and the world order may be maintained.

Every pleasure of our life is provided for by a host of people working for it and every pain we feel is shared by so many around us as well. The knowledge we possess is largely the gift of the great discoverers of truth and the disseminators of such truth, our teachers. A society in which teachers are not venerated soon goes to annihilation and so is the case with individuals. He who honours his Guru is blessed for the Guru is the highest representation of God on earth, the giver of spiritual and material knowledge both, the one that takes us by the hand from darkness to light. Such a one must ever be honoured and never disregarded if the disciple is to proceed towards Truth. There is no difference between the Guru and God. This is a truth that we need to absorb once and for all, today. May God bless all the disciples on earth and may they be worthy of the trust reposed in them by their divine Gurus! Jai Ramakrishna!

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