Saturday, 19 April 2014


The Resurrection of Christ signifies the deathlessness of not only God but of all sentience for all are of the stuff of the same divinity clothed in myriad garbs of lesser or greater manifestation of the Divine. None was ever born and none shall ever die. Births and deaths are hallucinations seen in the lower consciousness of the man-vibration and so is the life intermediate. The Self(Atman) is neither born nor does it die. You are immortal beings without a vestige of material contamination. Imagine once, you shall never die, that you are the infinite Spirit encased in this finite body, that you are one with the whole universe and even transcending it. Wherefore fear? What power on Earth can contain your infinitude ? All Nature bows down to you, such, O Man, is your majesty. Christ is resurrected and so are you, for all your bondage falls the moment you affirm your freedom with conviction.

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