Sunday 20 April 2014


Attachment to money is the result of ego-centricism and is the cause of all evil. Worldly possession, an ephemeral thing of two days, so binds man that he creates about himself this vast network of inequities where man exploits man in the name of profit ' well-earned ', not once considering the plight he thereby casts his brother man into. And this is a universal phenomenon, this worship of' Mammon, this pursuit of profit in principle and in practice, this adoration of wealth and abject adulation of the wealthy, not once pausing to ponder the source of such baneful acquisition.

All things are valued but the human being for in this brutal age of competition and conflict humanity counts for little. This predatory exploitation of man by his brother man and, on a macroscopic scale, of one nation by another, either by method or might is at the heart of the problems of the world and ensues from the fundamental premise of ' selfish individuality '. The solution is the re-education of humanity in the Vedantic philosophy of the essential oneness of existence. ' I am in all and all are in me ' ---this message of the Upanishads must be drilled into the heart and mind of humanity so that selfishness gives way to enlightened reason and selfless living. Then only shall we stand vindicated as the ' children of immortal bliss ', as heir-apparent to the Divine that shines in all of us in the deepest cavity of the spiritual heart.

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