Sunday 20 April 2014


Silence is golden but who cares to be still? There is so much verbal violence in the air everywhere. We understand war as devastating for human society. It is time we comprehend the damage caused to humanity by the cumulative uncharitable feelings let loose in the shape of words profane and thoughts divisive bred in hate. Love then is the way out. But how to love? First, character must be formed adhering to the principles of brahmacharya. A defective system of education founded on the principles of materialism has led us to where we are. A corrected system based on spiritual principles will cure the present malady. Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi used to say that we must always speak sweetly and never harshly for the latter roughens up our nature gradually which is not desirable. She herself was the living embodiment of the highest human culture, the epitome of womanhood at its noblest. She never could find fault with others or speak with a loud harsh voice. Let us study her life and try to follow in her footsteps for we are her children and ought to learn from our Mother. This indeed will be relearning our Mother-tongue.

Peace unto all ! Om ! Shanti ! Shanti ! Shanti ! Jai Ma !

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