Sunday 20 April 2014


One must ever adhere to the Ishta-mantra given by the Guru during initiation. The mantra is the living sound-symbol of God charged with divine power handed down the ages by an unbroken succession of spiritual preceptors, the Guru-parampara.

The ancient rishis discovered these mantras, that is, they were revealed to them in their meditations. These mantras are the sonic representations of God and, hence, very potent. During initiation the Guru imparts his spiritual power to the disciple as he utters in his ears the sacred Ishta-mantra. Thereafter, the seed-word or the beej-mantra becomes live in the disciple as he chants rhythmically and with the correct intonation as shown by the Guru. The mantra, though already potent, by repetition gains power and revitalises the personality of the one that chants. With the passage of time, it is assimilated deep within the nervous system of the person and eventually brings about a total spiritual transformation of his being.

It is worthwhile remembering that the Guru lives in the mantra. Thus, chanting it should be the great delight of the disciple. He should with great enthusiasm chant the divine Word and spend his time in bliss. Repetition of the mantra will achieve all the fruits of desire as also the great fruit of desirelessness. Disciples, awake to the great call of your Ishta-mantra. Hark! Your divine Guru ushers you on, even unto liberation. Jai Gurudev!

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