Sunday 20 April 2014


Concentration is the key. Knowledge, power, personality and character are all the offshoots of the focusing of the forces of the mind. This concentration at the highest leads to transcendence of the mind itself and liberates the soul from the shackles of matter. Bondage to Maya is the result of the disintegration of the mind into a myriad thought-waves. The opposite mode, that is, integration of the mental forces results in the soul dissolving in Pure Consciousness. Thus, all religions emphasize on chastity which is the imperative biological prerequisite for mental concentration and the uplift of the human system even unto the divine. Concentration being mastered and perfect purity achieved, man becomes God-like. Such a one becomes a blessing unto mankind, none else, none else. Therefore, if you wish to be a real benefactor of humanity, practise absolute purity and concentration. If you do truly love mankind and wish to help it, then LIVE THE LIFE.

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