Monday 21 April 2014



The boy was born of prayers and offerings at Vireshwar Shiva temple in Varanasi (Kashi) and of vigils, fasts and unending austerities of Bhuvaneshwari at home in Kolkata. He was thus called Bireshwar, shortened to Bileh by playmates and family members. He was an ebullient child, buoyant beyond description, merry, playful and up to all sorts of antics that innocence could contrive. Bhuvaneshwari was at her wit's end to manage this little boy and finally, when all means of persuasion or policy failed, she would hold Bileh under a shower of water which would almost magically calm the boy. In later years Swamiji reminisced that in childhood it seemed to him as if there was an inexhaustible source of energy inside of him which would gush out in incessant currents making him so very hyperactive that his mother had to keep two nannies for him. 

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