Sunday, 20 April 2014


A flaming character is needed now as the living example of the nation's ideals for the youth to follow and mould their lives accordingly. Who will provide it ? Who will sacrifice his petty self-interest to work for the nation ? Who is it that can say, " I love India more than myself. I can undergo any sacrifice for the cause of the Motherland." ? Where is that leonine soul who can cast aside his life's pleasures for the sake of the redemption of her Mother's children, the teeming millions of India ? The need of the hour is a few all-sacrificing souls whose only aspiration will be the regeneration of the masses of India that a powerful country may emerge from the dark past of her alien subjugation. What is also needed is a sense of identification of the youth with the age-old culture of India and this may be quickly achieved by propagation of the study of Sanskrit. We must be Indians first and then sub-Indians, that is, Bengali, Gujarati, Marwari, Punjabi, Tamil, Oriya, Kashmiri, etc. I call it our sub-Indian status, this affiliation to our respective regions and communities. This alone can foster National Integration. But the children must be educated in this mould that they may identify themselves as Indians and not merely with their respective communities. Indian history must be re-written, emphasizing the salient points of India's spiritual culture for spirituality is the life-line of the nation since time immemorial. Knowledge of India's hoary culture is bound to foster patriotism as well as the universal outlook that is unique in Indian philosophy. Millions of children armed with the pristine philosophy of the Vedas will flood the world with the ideals of peace, harmony, tolerance, and the ideal of the divinity of man. The world will learn from these enlightened children of India the spiritual purpose of life, the spiritual destiny of the human race, nay, of all sentience and even insentience for all of life is the manifestation of the Divine and must eventually go back to its source. Such is the enlightened nationalism Indians ought to practise, the rebuilding of the Motherland for the spiritual well-being of the world. Awake India, arise India, now's the hour to work ! Sleep no more, dream no more, the night of slumber is gone. Dawn it is, now set to work, noonshine in hours will be. Jai Swamiji ! Jai Hind !

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