Sunday 20 April 2014


In this world O Lord
There is none to hold,
To hold onto
Save Thee who art
My friend forever,
My sole refuge,
My solace, sucoour,
My everything.
So many come,
So many go,
All things change
As time doth flow
But Thou O Lord
Never leave my hand
Though I so oft
Do forget Thee.
Thy call I hear
Like a distant dream
Coming from far,
From deep within.
I hearken to that
Call O Lord,
Thy evensong
At the vesper hour.
The boat hath banked,
'tis time to sail,
The tide is high,
The breeze is set.
I come O Lord
To my sole refuge
Whence there is
No more return.
Free am I,
Free was I,
Free as free
Can ever be.
Boundless bliss,
In Thee replete,
None no more
I miss, I miss.
To endless end,
My Lord do take,
To Thy own realm,
The dream doth break,
In Self supreme
Where all is One,
My play is over,
My day is done.

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