Sunday 20 April 2014


Worshipful service is the key to unlocking the inner chambers of the heart where God resides. All work must be done in the spirit of service to God, your Chosen Ideal ( Ishta-Devata ). Then work will not seem a labour but will be a blissful exercise. Gradually such service will purify the mind-stuff and clarify the soul. Prolonged service will increase the sattwa ( the divine element ) in the system and upgrade it. Then the mind will be restful, peaceful and full of bliss. The process may be accelerated by pouring in a lot of love for your Chosen Ideal as you perform your work knowing it to be service to your Divine Beloved. Love will smooth out the rough course that life is and making your sojourn on Earth a heavenly experience. But this love has to be directed to God and not to any human being for the former will free you while the latter will bind. Expect nothing in this giving of love. Be free of all human expectation and the return will come in the fullness of time from God. What man can give, can God not give and infinitely more besides ? So far you have befriended man and what have you gained thereby ? Now for once repose your trust, your faith in the One that has been waiting for you since time immemorial. Love Him and Him alone and see what a transformation comes in your consciousness, in your life. It is springtime now. May your divine love effloresce ! May the blossoms fulfil themselves in fruition ! May your life be the playhouse of the Lord where all is sublime, radiant and blissful !

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