Sunday 20 April 2014


Sincerity is a virtue that is fundamental to progress in any endeavour. Hard work, discipline and sincerity--these three things are necessary for success, no matter how talented you are. Routinised living, daily diligence and a strong will to do well make success inevitable. Concentrated work results from such a soul that has purged itself of all dross of distraction springing from desire. Such work is efficient and efficiency is ever rewarded with success. Therefore, the secret of success is concentration of mind, the aspiration to do well and dedication in one's vocation with disciplined labour of love and the the absolute adherence to a higher, nobler ideal of living and life than is customary in the humdrum human existence. May we all be imbued with such an ideal of life and work! May our actions be purified in the sacrificial fire of our service to the God in man! May we all attain to the noble ideal of Karma Yoga!

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