Saturday 19 April 2014


Man is essentially infinite and free of all fetters though in his terrestrial experience of life he finds himself miserably bound in karmic chains. Yet, even this bondage is Maya and a powerful negation of it practised incessantly gradually loosens the stranglehold which Nature seems to have over the soul. This in classical parlance is the 'Neti Neti' method of discrimination between the phenomenal and the Real. A firm negation of sense experience lends power to the aspiring soul to struggle for freedom. Renunciation of desires and constant discrimination between the Real and the unreal liberates the aspiring soul in the fullness of time. Then all bondage ceases and the Self of man manifests itself in all its majesty. Then only one sees through the veils of Maya and realizes the permanent within the impermanent, the imperishable within the perishable and the Absolute immanent in Nature and transcending it. Such a one is blessed indeed, he is the Jeevan Mukta or the Living-Free. He is a benediction unto mankind.

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