Saturday, 19 April 2014


Love your country as you love your own family. We have bled much for our freedom notwithstanding the propaganda that our liberation was achieved almost entirely by Gandhian non-violence. Historical distortions do not make a nation, sacrifice does. The liberation of India is not complete as yet. Only political sovereignty has been achieved. The nation still lives in cottages, electricity has not reached tens of thousands of villages, toilet facilities aren't there, so much so, that women all over rural India are forced to still defecate in fields. Well-equipped hospitals are scarce in villages, and below-par schools abound. Farmers commit suicide daily due to acute poverty while politicians steal by the millions from the national coffers. Industrialists exploit Mother India's wealth while her children go hungry. This then is the scenario despite tall claims about India moving into the millenium.

I wish that those who vaunt of India's economic prosperity would care to share in the poverty of India's teeming millions as well. Verily I say, India will progress surely then. Till then what will you do? Will you be a by-stander watching the handful rise while millions perish? Or, will you like a true patriot rise to the occasion and sacrifice your utmost for the sake of the regeneration of the motherland? The ideal is there but the choice is yours. Will the blood of our martyrs go in vain or will you, the youth of India, take up the cause of nation-building in right earnest instead of vainly indulging in platitudes about India's so-called great economic progress which is largely only benefiting the rich and the upper middle-classes and is creating more than ever before an ever-widening economic gulf between the haves and the have-nots? Upon your decision rests the immediate future of our beloved motherland.

My sisters and brothers, think! Will you fail the heroes of the freedom struggle, the renascent personalities who raised India, or, will you be men of character who will shed their hearts' blood to give India a place of preeminence in the comity of nations that she may play her rightful role as the spiritual Guru of the world? The hour passes by my friends, India bleeds, the world desperately awaits the Saviour to arise in India or else all will be dark soon. Jai Hind!

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