Sunday 20 April 2014


Each one of you is a dynamo of spiritual power for you all are manifestations of Brahman. Never think that you are weak, rather think that you are born to do great deeds, to achieve glory in work and to leave behind your stamp on civilization. Such should be your self-belief and you should never unduly doubt your capabilities. The more you believe in yourself, the more will power be manifest in you and the greater will your success be in any endeavour. Meditate on this idea day in and day out that you are the birthless, deathless, infinite Atman. You may not get immediate results, but be not impatient, wait and see how your whole personality undergoes transformation gradually. You will be a powerhouse once this idea grips your soul. And with purity your helpmate, you will then be a real benediction unto mankind, ever engaging in humanitarian works in your bid to awaken the latent spirituality of your brother Man.

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