Sunday 20 April 2014


Character-formation is the one thing needful in spiritual life. Without renunciation of lust and lucre character cannot be formed. These ephemeral earthly pleasures soften the moral fibre of man and cover up his divine consciousness. Hence, chastity is the prerequisite for the building up of character and for advancement in the spiritual life. But chastity is an inviolable principle of living not just for nuns and monks. It is a universal principle and applies to all. The lay person is also enjoined to live a chaste life as far as possible. He forms the bulk of the population and his spiritual health determines the health of human society as a whole. Students must be chaste to achieve academic excellence. Professional people will serve society with greater efficiency and a more refined spiritual sensibility if they practise purity. When a large mass of the population takes to chaste living, only then will humanity en masse rise in consciousness and the world will see prolonged peace.

May all beings be blissful !
May all beings be peaceful !
May all beings be God-conscious !

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