It is a singular fortune for a person to realize while yet time is that God-realization is the goal of life and that life should not be frittered away in pursuit of sense pleasures, hollow and insubstantial as they are. Peace and happiness we all seek, do we not ? But are we anywhere close to achieving these when, driven by dreams of desire, we desist from living the spiritual life making God the focus of our existence ? All our life we weave the web of desire only to be befooled in the end when we find life slipping away leaving us beggared in body and soul, despairing a lost opportunity and fervently wishing to alter the course of the inevitable. But alas, that is not to be and the flame of life is put out before fruition of life has come, and this is the saga of our terrestrial existence time and time again.
The sage of Dakshineshwar tirelessly stressed that God-realization is the goal of human life and that a person should renounce attachment to lust and lucre to attain to the bliss of Brahman. Bhakti or devotion to God is the primary requisite and not the pursuit of pleasure. The fulfilment of life is in loving God as one's very own and life is to be lived in serving all knowing them to be God-incarnate. Youth is the season when God must be discovered and must not be wasted in worldliness.
So, there is the message for all of us. Let us be up and doing in this grand act---the discovery of God, the grandest discovery of all. In this we may all turn out to be true scientists, and that too, a scientist of the highest order.
Jai Ramakrishna !
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