Saturday 26 April 2014


The Mother of the universe, dear bereaved one, had assumed your earthly mother's form for a while that you may see the light of day. Now in the fullness of your efflorescence she has withdrawn herself to Her true habitat. She never was, she ever is, your mother, with you, around you, inside and outside of you, even as the space that envelopes everything and eventually melts into the Infinite. Free she is now of the mortal coil, freer still to gather you in like she had enwombed you in those first moments before time began. Who says she is no more? My friend, this is the one thing which is beyond even the Primal Power to bring about. She, the Infinite One, knows no death nor any of Hers may ever die. This is the eternal law. So, grieve not great one. Mother is with MOTHER, safe in Her lap, a child of immortal bliss. Now live this life, radiant and blissful, fulfilling her in service to all the mothers on Earth.

At heart with you,

Sugata Bose.

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