Tuesday 8 April 2014


In this prevalent world-culture of the worship of Mammon, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda, like the Prince of Galilee, are driving the money-changers from the synagogue. They provide the alternative world-view of the sovereignty of the soul, of the supremacy of spirit over matter, of sharing of the common wealth of the world over appropriation of it for personal gain, of giving over holding, of renunciation of wealth over its acquisition by fair or foul means, and, above all, of striving for the collective good of all over struggling for self-aggrandisement.

The world's wealth belongs not to man but to Mother Earth and no man can lay exclusive claim to any part of it on the basis of having earned it by merit or labour or even inheritance. Social laws are man-made and cannot provide justification to man appropriating the world's resources. It, however, seems an ethically sound proposition that the world belongs to all who inhabit it and, as such, its resources may be prudently used for the maintenance of all flora and fauna without causing damage to the environment that nourishes it all.

Private property is perhaps a temporary phase in the terrestrial evolution of man as is society itself, perhaps, and its malignant growth cannot be allowed to destroy the fabric of human society. Each soul is a manifestation of the Most High and deserves worship and adoration and not a dole by way of charity from an unscrupulous hoarder of the common inheritance of man that the former may eke out a living somehow and the latter may feel either the perverted satisfaction of being a modern-day monarch or may feel irrationally absolved of the sin of his appropriation. The situation is perverse and its redress requires a large number of individuals renouncing attachment to lust and lucre to create a new order of humanity where values will be spiritual rather than spirituality assigned material values.

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