Tuesday 8 April 2014


All these world events were perhaps imperatives in the historical process of the resolution of forces. However, through it all, the pain and the suffering that it entailed on man has not evolved man enough to adopt a more humanistic approach to life's problems. The cataclysmic world events have changed the political landscape of the world but the landscape of the mind of man remains still a mine-field of violent possibilities. Ideological differences, both political and religious, continue to polarise the world into conflicting units battling for supremacy over each other. Fanatical extremism founded on violent scriptural injunctions, archaic and outdated, continues to plague the world with terror. Industrial gluttony continues to pollute the environment threatening the very extinction of life on Earth in the foreseeable future. Crass consumerism continues to lower culture and the 'omnipotent currency-note' continues to sharply polarise the world into the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' with its concomitant evils. Whither the Vedanta of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda today?

Protagonists of capitalism, economists and pundits, captains of industry and all who benefit from the current capitalistic order that slowly and steadily is sucking the life-blood of the masses revel in flourishes of high-sounding economic terms and principles and keep citing growth-rates of the GDP and the GNP even as billions are daily reduced to penury owing to the loot of the world's wealth by a few billionaires in the name of ' well-earned ' profit. When the masses daily die a living death it does not bother the privileged few who are the perpetrators of such economic tyranny but when the slightest market fluctuation causes their fortune to sink ever so little, they raise a hue and cry over it, such is the relative worth of the life of humans measured in terms of the silver coin, such the selfishness of the human species in its current state of evolution and such is human concern for fellow humanity that suffers!

The demands of the economy notwithstanding, humanity must prevail in all transactions of life. An economic system which panders to human greed and entails untold suffering on billions to appease the appetite of a handful of billionaires is noxious in its very nature and must be done away with. Violent attempts to overthrow capitalism as in Russia, China and in East European countries have been counter-productive. What is needed is effective reform of the system whereby the prevailing human condition may be improved and the masses may be invigorated with a fresh lease of life. Only then humanity has a future, else all is dark.

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