Monday, 22 February 2021


What does the West stand for? Not democracy but domination of the rest of the world. Warmongering America stands for the dictatorship of the dollar and keeps the world perpetually in strife to keep its arms industry going and revenue coming in to keep its citizens in an inebriated state of sensory pleasure. Imperial Britain sucks the lifeblood of the world yet by siding with America in this business of neo-colonialism and the other Western nations do likewise. The Middle East provides them with cattle who they can kill at will to keep their stranglehold on the oil reserves there which the West, especially America, calls its strategic interest.
When a single white man dies, it creates news in the world but when millions of Afghans or Iraqis die at the hands of Western sophisticated barbarism, the world does not shed a teardrop. Asians are animals after all, to be slaughtered as insects to appease the Western gods of imperialism, masquerading as democracy and freedom. It is business as usual as it has been in its colonial past, the ravaging of Asia and Africa to provide for the rise of Western civilisation, the earthly enjoyment of Euro-Americans at the cost of the lifeblood of the East.
Whole nations are being destroyed to keep the flag of American hegemony fluttering high and the world keeps watching. There is not a voice of protest even by the so-called righteous countries like India who preach principles of high spirituality in international fora but dare not say a dissenting word against injustice meted out to innocents across the globe by this demonic dictatorship that calls itself the world's defining democracy. Such wielding of brute military power over an entire world to serve one nation's interests is diabolical and cannot be said to be representative of democratic freedom in the true sense.
Witnessing the barbarism of the Euro-Americans in this day and age, one almost loses faith in a benevolent God, for which benevolent Father would permit such permissive slaughter of His children in the name of dispensation of justice? I feel ashamed to associate myself with any who do not raise their voice against global depredation by the Western powers and that too with absolute impunity.
There is only one way out of this terrible tangle into which the world has landed itself in -- strength. Each country must become strong so as to be able to defend itself against domination by others. But it is easier said than done, for the distribution of resources, human and material, is so asymmetric in this world that such a perfect balance can never be, at least in the current state of human evolution.
The world is rising to its feet everywhere but at a terrible cost and amidst great obstruction being brought against it by the developed world. And yet this process will continue till war will decrease because of the risks entailed in the emerging scenario of technological advancement by all when adversaries will be harmed equally in armed conflict. A case in point is the absence of hot war among the nuclear-powered nations since the end of the Second World War. Prior to that European countries have been in ceaseless strife with each other over centuries but no more now. This is because of their unbelievable advancement in the technology of warfare when they all stand to lose in armed conflict with one another. So must Asia, Africa and Latin America be if the counties of these continents wish to avoid being perpetually enslaved this way or that by the developed nations of the world. So, strength is the solution and this strength will come through scientific education.
There is talk of the 'Balance of Power' in the world. But what is it if one but analyses it in the context of history? It is another name for maintenance of hegemony of the hegemonic powers of the world. When did one last hear of a militarily weak nation being drawn in to bring about a better order of the political world? It has always been the mighty nations that have used these terms to justify their aggressive actions in the world. Commerce and war have ever been intimately linked to global domination by the military powers of the world and so it remains even today despite all the tall talk that you hear of western values, democratic principles and freedom etcetera.
The past karma of nations is slowly resolving out in the historical unfoldment of the day and such resolutions will continue in the future but if animal resolutions are all that there be to it, then can human beings be called human any more? How long will it take man to become humanised sufficiently for him to look beyond competition and conflict to cooperation and coordination among the diverse peoples of the world who, though divided right now into separate nations and races, nonetheless, belong to a single species -- humanity?

Written by Sugata Bose

Photos : All from the Gulf War of 1991.

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