Saturday, 6 February 2021



We have golden ideas in our tradition that are in urgent need of implementation in the absence of which we are failing to reach our enormous potential as a leading power in the world in real terms as opposed to false claims made by government with hundreds of millions as yet grovelling in the mire of material misery with hardly means for decent survival. Let us individually get to the task of rebuilding our nation through service and sacrifice offered at the altar of the motherland by correctly combining our resources of head, heart and hand, the triple means of revival available to each and every one of us. Let us be scientific instead of pinning superstitious faith in an almighty deity who will help us -- for such a one is powerless to help us in any way for he/she simply does not exist beyond our vain imaginings. Let reason, educated and enlightened, guide us on our way to newer discoveries that will alter the destiny of our nation in recovery. New generations of Indians shall as yet change the face of New India in the years ahead and we have to make room for these upcoming ones to breathe and work in an atmosphere conducive to the same. The scenario right now is only apparently bleak but beneath the ashes glow the embers yet which shall break out into a mighty fire of hope and renewal.

Written by Sugata Bose

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