Monday, 8 February 2021



We must preserve our right to criticise everything that is opposed to humanity and we must relentlessly fight to maintain this freedom of expression. Where reasonable bounds of restraint in speech and expression are concerned, let such imposed limitations not make us fearful in expressing what we deem as necessary for the preservation of fundamental humanity that is so often threatened unto degenerating into barbarism by these very votaries of blasphemy laws.

A society that cowers before fanatics and makes laws to appease such nefarious elements cannot make progress and must die inevitably at the hands of these religious rogues. One has only to refer to human history to arrive at a compelling conviction about the veracity of the aforesaid statement.

The ancient civilisations were far more liberal and enlightened in religious terms but as the centuries rolled on, worse and worse editions of fanatical faiths emerged from among the desert sands of the human heart and drenched civilisation in a deluge of blood. It is not true, therefore, to assert that there has been evolution in the human heart overall in the world with the passage of time but that it would be truer to say that it has been quite the reverse globally which has reduced the genius of man much and stunted civilisation to a great extent. And the singular beings responsible for this have been the Chosen Ones of the imaginary Almighty and the Almighty of their fanatical fabrication.

Ignorance has its limits, one would have thought, but in such a wide dispersal of it in a proliferating global population there seems to be no sign of it abating. May reason, goodness, clarity and strength rescue humanity from the clutches of these inhuman creeds !

Written by Sugata Bose

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