Saturday, 27 February 2021



However much it may be said that Hitler orchestrated his theatrical body movements and facial expressions and was, therefore, faking his personality power before the German masses in order to win their support, it cannot be denied in truth that he doubtlessly had exceptional personality by which he could sway the masses. Could anybody else have brought about such a mesmeric influence by imitating such movements? Hitler's convictions, wicked though they may have been, shone through his choreographed movements which by identity with his nature became natural to him and no more so artificial as claimed. Were his detractors to this effect to be true, Hitler would never have managed to gear such spontaneous support for his malefic cause as he in reality did.
Propaganda works wonders and it works for friend and foe alike, for the human mind is strangely susceptible to ideas and can be moulded in any desired direction by clever indoctrination in tune with circumstantial exigencies. So did Goebbels succeed in selling his information software to the German masses and so did the Allies similarly succeed in painting the Nazis the way they liked and not quite the impartial historical way. Hitler has been depicted as the anti-Christ, the Devil incarnate and what not, with all his attributes analysed to suit public preconception and prejudice and to tailor public opinion to Allied ends. Even Hitler's strong points have thus been reduced to either having been aberrations of his deranged mind or plain faking by this master manipulator which does not do historical justice to the Fuhrer. Centuries later when Euro-American global dominance will have given way to a more enlightened world polity, when academia will no more be a sell-out to governmental power, the correct chronicling of history will paint Hitler in an altered manner where his faults, the evil in him, and his strengths and compulsions of character and conviction will all be better analysed and placed before the public for them to view him in an impartial and fair manner.
World history as of now is the chronicling of events from the standpoint of the victor in war and never from that of the vanquished. A day will come when men will be enlightened enough to demand the right reading of history as having happened somewhere in between these diametrically opposed ends and articulations. Then we will get to know who Hitler truly was, what his motivations were in real and not as painted by Euro-Americans of the day, what his strengths and weaknesses were, what his convictions and prejudices were, and all the attributes and elements that made up his being and made him the force that he was, a singular character who literally overturned the world almost singlehandedly.
N.B. This article is no apologia on behalf of Hitler and needs to be read in context.

Written by Sugata Bose

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