Sunday 7 February 2021



Most people are convenient cowards who cleverly avoid discussing contentious issues that define the political landscape of the nation. Fear has gripped the educated which makes them mute where they ought to voice their concerns and save the nation from impending peril. This sort of cowardice is a vile materialism for it is selfish to the core in its bid for a debilitated self-preservation.
The nation, in order to preserve its sovereignty, requires a handful of valorous souls rather than hordes of these utterly bankrupt citizens whose only claim to being Indian is by dint of their ethnic and geographical identity but who have nothing in common with the spiritual consciousness of Eternal India which teaches us to serve and sacrifice for the common weal.
Fear is weakness and weakness is the fountainhead of all vices. Let strength course through the arteries of the nation. May the Goddess of India's destiny bless those who have committed themselves to sacrificing everything unto Her !

Written by Sugata Bose

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