Sunday 7 February 2021



If India wishes to rise as a nation, she will have to cultivate a deep respect for her martyrs to freedom. The narrative of non-violence as the preeminent cause for freedom must go for it is rooted in falsity. The character of the nation will only form once citizens are fully made aware of the brutalities that Indians had to suffer under European colonial occupation and Islamic cultural desecration earlier. Any political leader or party that panders to minority appeasement must be brought to book. The guiding principle of national resurgence must be strict adherence to cultural solidarity stemming from our age-old Hindu heritage coupled with modern science and technology. Reason and enlightenment, modernity and progress must be the tools for this national renaissance. Forces, religious or ideological, that stand in the way of this national progress must be brushed aside with force, if necessary, and the emerging nation allowed to bloom in all its tremendous possibilities.

Written by Sugata Bose

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