Tuesday, 23 February 2021



Love is the touch of God. This is the one universal feeling that unites humanity in a common bond of fellowship, the underlying link of all existence. It is love that integrates species, draws them unto community living, unto sacrificing for each other and eventually unto drawing them deep down to the subliminal levels of consciousness where oneness is the basis of all that is, to the sublime heights of singular being where all separateness has vanished and man stands face to face with his own innermost reality.
Love is the one medium of expression that transcends language, that finds its means of reaching out simply through intense feeling of oneness where fear has vanished forever and bliss abides in secure possession of the beloved. This love is illimitable, is the salt of life and is the sole motive-force that fuels evolution unto a common convergence along diverse radial routes that need not conflict with each other when men come to understand what life is all about.
Love is the sum and substance of life, it sole appeal, its irresistible imperative that moves all, from the atom to the cosmos, from the brute to the divine beloved. This love is the essence of our beings. So, let us love.

Written by Sugata Bose

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