Saturday, 13 February 2021



The leftist targeting of Swami Vivekananda and spreading misinformation about him or plain resorting to lies and mischievous misinterpretation of his teachings will further side-line and erase their future hopes of getting a foothold in the polity. An ideology that is alien to this land, is imported from Europe which has given it up, though, and which is potently anti-national in its vicious vituperation against the Hindu heritage of our motherland, is bound to boomerang on its brahmin Bengali launchers before long and settle them where they duly belong.
These are Bengali brahmins who are spewing venom against such a seminal spiritual figure as Swami Vivekananda for they know full well that it is Hindus who tolerate such toxic language against their cultural icons and merely disapprove of such with a patient shrug, characteristic of the 'meek Hindu'. But these same offenders never dare offend the Muslims by spewing venom against their prophet or their God for sheer fear of terrible retribution that will inevitably follow. If these Bengali brahmins are so daring that they speak foul against Swami Vivekananda indiscriminately without rational arguments to justify their assertions, then let them go ahead in open offensive against those who will instantly pay them back with deadly consequence. So much for the bravery of these rogues who have lost all manhood in their sensate clinging to all that debilitates man !
Bengal, you have sunk to abysmal depths and the sooner you return to Swami Vivekananda, the better for you. Else, extinction awaits you in the not too distant future.

Written by Sugata Bose

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