Thursday, 4 February 2021



Sugata Bose @প্রমিত রায় : What are you talking of? It may be unimportant for you but it definitely makes sense to create awareness through these polls where people have to think and recollect information in their brains before pressing for the poll option. After all, everybody is not as erudite as you are. And if you have understood that the Presidents of the Order are the representatives of Sri Ramakrishna, then it ought to follow from your line of argument that these polls are as well being conducted with their express willing of them for who can work beyond their will? I hope you get it now. Since you are feeling mock-insulted by the incidence of these polls, and in a democratic country at that, and since these polls will continue in the foreseeable future with unabated vigour, you are being excused from the august company of others in this group who may not be kith and kin in spirit with your esteemed self.

Sugata Bose @Jayashree Mukherjee Banerjee : Think before you speak next time for you do not what you say. Facebook journalism does not make effective commentators on contentious issues. If you pause to ponder at any point of time, even later in your life when your thoughts will have matured beyond their present state of innocence of the adversarial elements that face us as a dharmic spiritual culture, you will see reason then in my present exhortation. Once you have read the Islamic texts, you will know what they are up to and what we are up against as well. My exhortation is common to all who care for our civilisation. That you have already studied the Hindu scriptures is a presumption made on my part which, rationally speaking, I ought not to have made, in which case you ought to first study them before making forays into foreign terrain where the enemy sharpens his swords, aims his arsenal at you and your kind to
which I belong as well as a kuffar (infidel). As for your question whether I should be exhorting Muslims to read the Hindu scriptures, let me tell you that they are far more aware of them than Hindus are about the inimical intentions of Islam towards Hindus and Hinduism. Nonetheless, my profile is public for all to read and Muslims, for sure, do read my copious writings on the Sanatan Dharma and otherwise to their profit and pleasure. I hope I have afforded you an adequate answer. In case doubt yet lingers in your sceptical mind as to my intent, I can only hope that learning and light about the Islamic scriptures along with those belonging to the Sanatan Dharma will afford you the needed comparative perspective to be able in course of time to get to know my object.
One last word. Self-complacency in the average Hindu about self-security as a spiritual culture is portentous of grave consequences as the Partition of India has never failed to impress on the intelligent and the insightful. Should the army of a country not study the moves and motives, the principles and purposes, the aims and objectives, the philosophy and ideology of the army of an enemy nation? I leave you to ponder these pertinent points and come to your own conclusions.

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : I am innocent of the ways of the law. You are a lawyer. Perhaps, you could do it on behalf of the people should you so deem it expedient. I am doing what I do best, writing to stir up common consciousness. The rest the Lord knows, should He wake up with the wake-up blare from His long slumber during which He has let His children slip into a like somnolence from which they are being 'mercifully' drawn into prayerful wakefulness by the sermonising and the political powers that be. Now let's see how far your sincerity goes beyond making casual comments to the contrary intent.

Sugata Bose @John Embrey : And this truth about Hindu universal acceptance will gradually dawn on all as the enlightened bring to light this fact from the pages of history where persecution of the guest has been unheard of in Hindu annals, although, Hindus have been terrible in the way they have dealt with their own people, the lowly, the downtrodden, epithets themselves indicating the pitiful fate that lay their way as the high-born ground them into social insignificance for ages. But 'atithi devo bhava' [the guest is God] has ever been the high-water mark of Hindu civilisation and the Parsees and the Jews bear ample testimony to it. That Christians and Muslims also were welcome in this glorious motherland of all humanity did not, nonetheless, paly out well for them as they went about converting the Hindus by the hordes and persecuting them in the process, setting them to spiritual size at the edge of the sword. Thus, what the Jews have said could not be like affirmed by these two proselytising Semitic sisters and their fanatical followers, and while one plundered and built homeland in Europe with Indian wealth, the other stayed on to rule and eventually amputate the hands [Pakistan, West and East (now Bangladesh)] of the very Mother who had nursed it to maturity and strength. On the Jewish side lies the admission of truth while on the Christian and Islamic
sides lie the denial of it which distinguishes the children of David from their more corrosive cultural kind bearing the same Abrahamic ancestry.

Sugata Bose @DrAjey B. Shinde : I know. And even if it were there in the Qur'an, our country being secular by Constitutional declaration is enjoined by the Constitution not to go in for such open appeasement of religious elements who have engineered the Partition of our motherland in 1947.

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : You are absolutely right. It is a nefarious business buzzing about, a nuisance that ought to be done away with forthwith. At any rate, the God they preach does not exist for men like me who deem it to be fiction concocted in the fanatic's fantastic fancy.

Sugata Bose @DrAjey B. Shinde : Please substantiate your many claims and do not merely enter into fantastic fabrications without coherent substantive content.

Sugata Bose @Joy Deep : What a wonderful speech ! Illuminating. Takes one deep into one's inner self, reveals vistas before the unfolding vision.

Sugata Bose @KUNAL'S DIARY (YouTube) : Dr. Jayanta Choudhuri's main problem is that he beats about the bush too much. He should indulge less in adjectives and emotional effusions and concentrate on delivering direct answers to questions without parrying them to his advantage.
P.S. KUNALS' DIARY needs to be bettered by better moderation without bias. The anchor ought to be more intellectually alive and spiritually sound to be able to conduct an unbiased show where truth without tilt comes out into the open.

Sugata Bose @Sameer Banik : I agree. Such is the Bengali debilitation and decadence at that that we literally need a wholesale transformation of our collective Bengali consciousness if we are to recover as a race. Else, annihilation stares us straight in the eye and beckons us unto that nullifying end.

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : And yet you write 'Red salute !' to greet us always. How about that, Subhrajyoti? Do you do so out of jest, humour at their expense?

Sugata Bose @Facebook friends : I had thought that there would be greater participation in this post but I have been sadly made aware of the utter apathy Hindus have towards their dharma and related fate which shall surely befall them in a bad way unless they respond adequately to the challenge facing them. If Tagore's words of warning do not elicit a reasonable response, Hindus have dark days awaiting them, for a cowardly community can scarce face adversity when it strikes them hard. The Partition of India Tagore must have feared in his seer's vision of the future and accordingly written these words of warning for all to heed but even after the dastardly fate of dismemberment of the motherland was executed to perfection by the Indian Muslims, especially the Bengali ones whose sustained violence in Calcutta (16 August, 1946) and Noakhali thereafter carried the day, Hindus did not awake to the prospect of such a fate again in the future. What awaits them then in the future is everybody's guess but when has a nation of cowards deserved anything better than slavery at the hands of more valorous, if even vicious, souls?

Sugata Bose @Siddhartha Ghanti : We have to look under the carpet then and find out the true situation. A lot of bugs will be discovered.

Sugata Bose @John Embrey : Why, according to you, is Islam today the most pronounced in terms of fundamentalism and radicalisation? Any specific reason why it should be so or why it is so?

Sugata Bose @John Embrey : Thank you for the detailed explanation. I will read up on it further now for clearer conception.

Sugata Bose @Shaon Malik : Rabindranath Tagore considered himself a Brahmo-Hindu throughout his life by which he meant that Brahmoism or Brahmo Dharma, being an Upanishadic sect of Hinduism, retained for its adherents the identity of the classical Sanatan Dharma, or Hinduism in popular modern terms. Even Raja Rammohan Roy, the founder of the Brahmo Samaj, -- as opposed to Brahmo Dharma which was officially founded by Maharshi Devendranath Tagore with its chronicling of principles, rules and regulations, and its disengagement from the Vedas as being inviolable -- maintained throughout his life that he was a Hindu. He has been quoted as saying to his friend and associate, "Brother, people call me a Christian. But, tell me, do I eat beef?" As is evident from this quotation that Rammohan did not eat beef and counted himself a non-Christian thus, and if you take in his other assertions, he has directly said that he was a Hindu.

Sugata Bose @Haradhan Mukhopadhyay : Why don't you all write more like I do? Sustained cooperative effort at spreading awareness and fearlessness among the Hindus will go miles to helping them overcome inhibition and strengthen them against being overwhelmed by the Islamic agenda.

Sugata Bose @Sayani Dasgupta : Sayani, these are the 'shraddhaheen' (irreverent unto degeneration) Bengalis who Swamiji had talked about. Let us expose these rogues which is why I wish that they get a good hiding in verbal terms from articulate devotees like me. Atheism and low materialism -- not the lofty ones of Marx and Bertrand Russell -- in conjunction with low cunning and all the vices that flesh is heir to have debilitated the bulk of the Bengali race, and it is these that thus spew venom on Swamiji out of monstrous ignorance about his life and achievements, for these are so sunk in lowliness of the burrowing earthworm -- which even does some constructive work of aerating the soil which these their human counterparts do not -- that they can scarce see anything flying high eagle-like in the limpid spaces of thought which seminal spiritual figures like Swamiji make the habitat of their soaring thoughts. By and by the Bengali race is sinking lower and lower to produce men of smaller and smaller stature who are endangering not only the solidarity of the race but are also intent on destroying the age-old sublime culture of the sages and seers this motherland of ours has produced. I have merely given vent to my preliminary and primary displeasure at what I have read in this post but have not had the time or occasion or even the desire to counter them, for to give a rebuttal to these foolish, insubstantial assertions is to indulge in dispersing gems in the wild forest or raining for harvest in the desert. But I have taken up the issue and shall keep on with my propagation of Swamiji's ideas by way of more than adequate articulate response.

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : Yes, I am, and terribly so, at all hours of the day from dawn to dusk.

Sugata Bose @Subhrajyoti Bhowmick : I do not need your advice or suggestion to act. Hence, keep your counsel to yourself. Instead of suggesting means and measures to me, why do you not act on your own behalf by yourself? I do a lot by spreading awareness while you are content merely to quip in in my posts with queer questions and suggestions which you are loathe to act upon yourself. This is evidence of insincerity. So, desist from goading me on, henceforth.

Sugata Bose @Haradhan Mukhopadhyay : Superb observation. This is called commenting the correct way.

Sugata Bose @YouTube video comment : Hypocritical stance of Mehdi Hasan which, of course, is the typical response of apologists for Islam. Here is quite an aggressive apologist at that, bordering of being brash and pompously affirmative of his following a tradition that is patently exactly that what he denies it to be, and unashamedly at that, citing counter-narratives from Christian aggression to bring home his point in a less than convincing way.

Sugata Bose @Sameer Banik : And our gullibility, our foolishness and our wickedness, too, for such ignorance of the adversary's intentions to undermine us reduces us to deserve being branded so.

Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : No, this post refers to the lies which are spread by quite a section of the educated Hindus that all religions preach the same truth and that all of them in essence stand for the same truth as well. This is a blatant lie, deliberate or otherwise, be it born in ignorance or in a wicked cover-up of the basis differences that are otherwise so apparent once we go through the scriptures of these respective religions.

Sugata Bose @Uttam Mukherjee : Yes, that must be addressed. But that does not mean that I must refrain from making posts the way I do. These issues of social needs and the spread of the Sanatan culture are not mutually exclusive.

Sugata Bose @DrAjey B. Shinde : No, no, DrAjey B. Shinde,Sameer Banik is a committed Hindu with firm nationalist convictions.

Sugata Bose @Monojit Dutta : Read the Quran first and the answer will be apparent. We will discuss Thakur's words and intents thereafter.

Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : Watch the Bikini Atoll video to get to know more about what such sport can mean when it concerns USA.

Sugata Bose @Sayani Dasgupta : Holy Mother Sri Sarada had asked Sri Ramakrishna as to whether she should perform puja during the stated monthly period. The Master had promptly said that she could surely do it. Hence, the matter has been settled by God incarnate himself and that should hold as scriptural injunction for the Age.

Sugata Bose @DrAjey B. Shinde : Republic TV is a horrible channel. It seems you did not quite get the import of my post regarding the intellectual quality that there must be in television and YouTube channels' presentations. This feature, apart from NDTV, is sadly lacking in almost all the channels. It is a sad pointer, but a pertinent one, to the paucity of intellectual culture in our country today.

Sugata Bose @Sanjay Choudhry : No, no, I am not taking sides at all. I merely meant that NDTV's features are much more intellectually proficient and artistically presented to one's audio-visual delight. NDTV is biased as well as is THE WIRE which also I watch for intellectual food but to whose one-sided views I cannot quite agree with all the time.

Sugata Bose @Amalendu Sarkar : Asking a question which is pertinent is not tantamount to defamation if you understand what I mean. Truth is infinitely superior to personality and in the quest for truth such questions need to be asked irrespective of who the person concerned is. When the devotees of Netaji indiscriminately malign Gandhiji, are you there as well to say the same the thing about such supposed defamers? On my part I reserve my right to be rationally disposed to questioning the roles played by all historical personalities in the shaping of history or in the witnessing of its unfolding before their eyes, either with active concern or with passive unconcern. And in this mission for the clarification of conception I need not make privileged exclusion of certain personalities, however sanctified they may be in people's eyes.

Sugata Bose @DrAjey B. Shinde : Write against it (Bangladeshi infiltration into West Bengal followed by settlement) constantly on your profile wall and in the comment sections of posts everywhere, but do so with a powerful diction to be able to move the readers to increased awareness.

Sugata Bose @Nilanjana Chakravarty : Depth of delight so long as it is not devilish !

Sugata Bose @Sameer Banik : It is not a blunder but a deliberate debilitation of the nation that has been thus attempted by the Left, for they scarce care for the well-being of the nation beyond what their selfish socialist interests allow them to. All their theoretical tall talk and high-flown Marxist principles have been laid waste in this wanton exercise of perfidious politicking whose consequence Indians and, especially, Bengalis will for sure reap in the days to come. Bengal's betrayal of the nation, beginning with Plassey and seemingly ending with Partition, continues.

Sugata Bose @Uttam Mukherjee : They are mourning the death of communism and Islamism both. After all it is a double death-blow for them. Is it not?

Sugata Bose @Uttam Mukherjee : The mourning itself is the popular certificate for such a dismal death. The death of the Soviet Union, the Maoist philosophical death in China, the demise of communism the world over, even in west Bengal -- all these are the death certificates that history has signed to mark the end of Marxism. Those that have eyes can see. even the blind can see. But those that choose to live in delusion past desperate clinging to fanciful hopes of a future resurrection cannot quite behold such a certification of death that has been decreed by the historical process.

Sugata Bose @ Shankar Banerjee : He is clueless what to say. Surely, Abbas is Abbasov Russo Communov. So, this sort of Islamist is welcome within the Indian communist fold.

Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : Beautiful rendition of an oft-quoted episode. The style is so refreshing, original that it is. There is a singular aspect to the dramatic part that makes it living, the enactment coming through in almost palpable terms. These Bengali versions of the original English penned by you are coming out so well that one feels tempted to ask you to translate in dramatic terms the entire 'Life of Swami Vivekananda by His Eastern and Western Disciples', a magnum opus which should enlighten future humanity about Swamiji in no uncertain terms. Here's a project worth considering and we await your thoughtful response to it.

Sugata Bose @Moumita Sinha : Not quite. However, to understand this one needs taste.

Sugata Bose @Sharmistha Chatterjee : Thank God you are there. Nowadays, culture has so plummeted that people would spell it 'cocafonous' and not 'cacophonous' !

Sugata Bose @Moumita Sinha : You have rocked it.

Sugata Bose @Moumita Sinha : Yes, I am a classicist unlike some others who prefer decadent culture. Godspeed them unto higher awareness and refinement !

Sugata Bose @Moumita Sinha : Listen to Indian classical music and be blessed. Also Western classical music for good measure. As for my staying, well, I am well groomed in the refinement of culture that the world offers and am not enamoured by its decadent variations that, though, they go by the name of culture, are not to be deemed so any more than an aberration may be termed the pristine pure form. So, God bless you with your universal approach flitting between what may be called music in definitive terms and what may be termed so in terms of imposition of the name 'music' by force, a force that bears kinship to the inharmonious decibel thrusts of the rocking type.

Sugata Bose @Moumita Sinha : How beautifully you write ! Blessed child of literary expression ! Yes, I forgot that the music of the Beatles is also Rock Music. I meant Acid Rock or Metallica, I guess -- the hard, discordant and inharmonious, harsh-sounding, high decibel type. You could educate me for I am, indeed, innocent of its nuances.

Sugata Bose @Bruce Ananta Hilliger : But what about the disproportionately higher number of Nobel Prizes that the Jews have won relative to other communities?

Sugata Bose @Partha Pratim Adhikary : Intellectual, savant of world standing capable of facing the mightiest intellects of the world?

Sugata Bose @ Abhijit Chakraborty : প্রচার করেছেন ঠিকই কিন্তু মনীষা কই ?

Sugata Bose @Priyadarshi Gupta : You are right but, alas, the majority of the population, at least the educated urban middle class, is rather effeminate in behavioural manner and linguistic expression, a sad fate that has befallen Bengal since some centuries, something which Swamiji had alluded to in his famous reference to the need to reforming the Bengali language and making it more martial to meet the racial exigencies of the times. This is the purport of the post.

Sugata Bose @Saroj Upadhayay : He (Srila Prabhupada) was not an intellectual of a any high standing in the world and never could establish philosophical truth on the basis of scientific reasoning. He stressed faith, belief over reason. Hence, you see.

Sugata Bose @সুদীপ্ত চক্রবর্তী : Yes, perhaps, the notable exception he was. Yet, one wonders whether he held his own against the likes of the world's topmost scientists of the day. Other notables were Swamis Ashokananda, Yatishwarananda and Ranganathananda, all of the Ramakrishna Order, and now, of course, Swami Sarvapriyananda, but the point is this that none of these may be deemed as having been or being members of the hi9ghest intellectual fraternity of the world as Swami Vivekananda was or, say, Sri Aurobindo was. The latter did not venture beyond India post his return to the country from his student days in England and, hence, could not hold discussions and debates with the best Western minds of the age. he could only uphold his views through his considerable writings.

Sugata Bose @Jisnu Bhattacharya : None of these, perhaps, can be called a thinker of world stature like a Bertrand Russell or Romain Rolland or Aldous Huxley or any of the great scientific geniuses of the 20th century. They were thinkers of a lower order, I guess, with no cultural insinuation being implied thereby. I have specified in the post words that signify 'intellectuals of the highest order'. Other than Swamiji who else would truly qualify for the job in this regard, someone who could hold his own against a Western philosopher of world repute? The only other one from India could have been Sri Aurobindo but then he did not venture out of the motherland that way to enter into deliberations with Western intellectuals of world stature, although, his voluminous writings would have presented the case of the Sanatan Dharma before the Western world more than adequately otherwise. Perhaps, Sri Aurobindo was the only other personality who could in some sense qualify for the job mentioned in the post in the right sense.

Sugata Bose @Bikram Mookerjee : Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is a thinker of sorts but will not be able to hold his own in intellectual deliberation against a top scientist or philosopher of the Western world. The other two do not even qualify as thinkers of any standing and, hence, will be whitewashed in the face of intellectual opposition of a high order.

Sugata Bose @Sandip Halder : Really?

Sugata Bose @Sandip Halder : You have not understood the import of the post, I am afraid.

Sugata Bose @Sandip Halder : I have understood but you have thrown the ball in my court instead of coming up with the names yourself. But then that is your prerogative and you are welcome to that.

Sugata Bose @Pinaki Bhattacharyya : You are welcome to your interpretations and criticisms as always. At least you take the pains or, get the pleasure, perhaps, of making your singular observations which helps the discussion along, although, I may not be in agreement with them quite often. However, as I said, "But men may construe things after their fashion, clean from the purpose of the things themselves." (Shakespeare - Julius Caesar). So have you taken your specific viewpoint in quite a caustic manner as always, 'clean from the purpose of the' post itself. To be dismissive of others' ideas and opinions thus is also not in keeping with the large hearted spirit of democracy which Swamiji embodied. In his celebrated lecture, 'Is Vedanta the Future Religion?' he had exhorted thus : "Let men be thinkers." Thus, to dismiss others in a pompous manner as you do is hardly civil or becoming of the spirit of Swamiji which you invoke. At any rate whether Swamiji or Nivedita would have liked it or not, the world does not stop with them and each one is free to think and act the way he deems it best at any specific point of time so long as he does not injure others or infringe on their right to do likewise. After all, in Swamiji's glorious words, 'Freedom, freedom is the song of the soul.' When I write, I do not do so to please Swamiji or Nivedita but do so out of my inner impulsion to express myself, into which deliberations I like to draw in my sympathetic friends for mutual discussion and understanding that is likely to evolve out of such. I have purposefully not gone in to counter your textual points regarding Yogananda, Nivedita etc. because I respect your views in such regard even if they do not correspond to mine. Thank you for participating in the discussion, if even in your characteristic caustic and dismissive manner, undemocratic though it may be, for it attempts to in a manner muzzle public opinion whatever it may be.

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