Sunday 7 February 2021



The life of a nation is the life of its people. It is education that manifests the best elements of humanity provided the characteristics of men are not corrupted by wrong ideological indoctrination. In the absence of a conduit to carry forth the message into the wide world the soul frantically seeks kindred souls to communicate. Such is the gregarious nature of the human species and the way of collective living with individual emphasis. Ideas are born in a human heart and are reborn in others as thoughts disseminate and culture propagates.
This process of transmission must be kept free and fresh without clogging of its avenues with ideological fixations. Evolution cannot but be flexible once it comes to the human plane of creative thinking. It is no more the animal way, that of natural selection and survival of the fittest, but is now a cooperative endeavour of the human species altering its destiny fast through proper orientation of the mind by means of free thinking and democratic processes for arrival at the best collective results. This is civilisation, this, indeed, is cooperative culture which is the bedrock of societal living. The maximum good of the maximum number of people is arrived at thus and to this end society ought to be geared and human life oriented.

Written by Sugata Bose

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