1. Caught in the cross-current of conflicting faiths, man loses his faith in faith itself and reposes faith in humanity.
2. Religious indoctrination from childhood in extreme scriptural principles slowly makes children irreversibly violent and that again in extreme cases and in extreme circumstances makes them susceptible to turning into terrorists. Hence, save the child from religious brainwashing and save the future of humanity.
3. Life is not a test conducted by God but is a game played by us where we gather experience only to realise that it is a game after all and not real. Life is gradual clarification of the initial dense cover when darkness pervades all unto progressive illumination, from unlit eclipse to sunlit sight to being the sun itself.
4. A stiff neck is bad but a stiff idea ruinous to civilisation when it is passed on from generation to generation by a communicative system of clerics.
5. 'Swatchh Bharat' campaign must include us keeping our temples and mosques clean just like our gurdwaras and churches are.
6. I have not seen God but God has seen me and that is enough for my liberation. Who cares for liberation after all when billions are in bondage? It is better by far to be born and die every time serving myself in the moving mass of humanity, for everywhere am I. What remains of liberation then?
7. Every generation must throw up seers and saints for men to be inspired. Only care has to be taken that we do not follow frauds masquerading as some such luminous personality by simple gift of the gab or other such dubious techniques going by the name of yoga or kriya.
Such an electric touch on the head, such an electric feel at the feet.
9. With a population increasing at the rate of 14 million a year, we are on a precipitous course downward. Is the Government of India at all worried about the impending human catastrophe it faces on account of this continuous population explosion?
10. Religious patriarchy that allows polygamy stresses both man and woman. Especially for woman it is a heartrending affair.
11. We need modern thinkers to redefine the standards of modern living and we can no longer go about our lives as per the dictates of medieval and ancient scriptures that attended to the requirements of bygone ages and have lost their relevance in this day and age.
12. Ideas count very little for people. All that they want are images, stories and commandments. The spoilt human mind, dependent ever on external agencies for survival and succour, refuses to learn something new every day for sustenance and growth.
13. Sustained torture of others is what sustains some souls and these are the (a) divine dictators (b) diabolical dictators and (c) domestic dictators who make life miserable for others.
14. Do not allow religion to hypnotise you. Dehypnotise yourself. This is the gist of the Vedanta. Stop venerating God while you neglect your own self. Have faith in yourself first. Then faith in God will become unnecessary. Love the living beings all around you. Live to love.
15. Do not believe in God as a support for your helplessness. Such belief will be of no help to you in the long run. You will be forced to give up such childish notions of life and death. Be self-dependent. Be independent. Seek not support but be a support unto others who are weaker than you and teach them independence as well. That is real freedom and in such freedom is the cessation of pain.
16. A localised religion can never be called universal, for its very centralisation in a 'revealed' single text to a single chosen person and its limitation in imposed cultural context on all for all time to come, if necessary by force, makes it terribly finite for it to hold the infinite truth.
17. It is violence to invite someone into your religion by placing before him the good points of your religion unasked for. Persuasion is even more violent to that effect. All conversion must be spontaneous and not even induced in the remotest way. All that a religion may do by way of civilised propagation of itself is to live by its principles of love and universal acceptance. Where religions are exclusive, proselytising and intolerant, like Islam and Christianity are, such expectations of non-violent propagation are purely puerile.
18. If you are a Hindu, do not call an individual 'aadmi' for it is a derivation of 'Adam' which is the Biblical concept of the first man made by the Biblical God. 'Aadmi' means 'Adami', that is, one derived from Adam. Now remember to address someone as 'vyakti' (individual) and not 'aadmi'.
19. What glory is there in being the slave of God and having names and surnames to that effect when we are in truth God Himself?
20. Ultimately it is the men of knowledge who dominate earthly proceedings and unless we as a nation become so, we can never be a dominant global power with significant capability to uplift humanity spiritually.
21. It is not necessary to follow a prophet of a bygone age in your day-to-day living but it is most important that you follow the prophet within you, your own prophetic soul. To that end cultivate yourself.
22. Better to live by my own standards of love and compassion that naturally flow in my heart than to live by some archaic prophetic injunction.
23. I am who I am, the primal force at a derivative distance.
24. Finally, will Islamists and their apologists worldwide, of which some of the best instances are in West Bengal, raise the demand for sounding the Islamic call to prayer (azaan) five times a day in the Vatican City? Will that be allowed there as well as in West Bengal?
25. There is no justice in this world. It is as yet governed by the age-old barbaric principle of 'might is right'. Where is the governance of a just and merciful God? Nowhere.
26. If you are spiritual, you must raise your voice against injustice and oppression and send powerful moral messages that will kindle the resistive consciousness of oppressed humanity. Else, yours is a pretentious piety of no consequence and your stated apolitical stance a mere cover for indifferent inaction.
27. Spirituality is the raising of human consciousness unto progressive concern for the well-being of humanity. An aloof unconcern for human affairs is certainly not my idea of what spirituality should stand for. To that end I rank the revolutionaries of the world who live and die for human freedom truly spiritual.
28. Never take the British at face value. They are double-faced.
29. Mother Saraswati's most devoted children are the Jews who have won over 20% of the Nobel Prizes awarded till date. We, Hindus, who celebrate Saraswati Puja, ought to take a leaf out of this deep Jewish respect for learning and try and excel in it as well by way of befitting tribute to our Mother, the Goddess of all learning.
30. Swamiji's divine personality became the nucleus of the freedom movement of India. It was but a matter of time before the revolutionaries would gather round it, draw sustenance form its field of force and free India. But, yet, the price, a terrible price had to be paid.
31. Americans (USA) are highly positive in their attitudes and aspirations. So was Swamiji. This optimistic and affirmative trait is common to both the great sage and the people of America. In that sense how American was Swamiji or how Swamij-like is America !
32. Indigenous institutes and international institutes are both necessary for the inspiration that India needs.
33. The great power of Islam in the world is derived from 1.8 billion Muslims being regular practitioners of the faith, or largely so. And there is a unity of purpose that drives them, the propagation of the faith.
34. No question of submission to God but hammering home the thought that I am He.
35. The anointed one speaks with authority, with unshakeable conviction that carries home the message, while men of scant realisation remain apologists for the divine truth.
36. Does the fate of the world depend on humans or is there a higher force that governs its ultimate destiny? Will the order of an apparent higher intelligence be upset by the blind workings of an inebriated humanity?
37. What will happen to the existent stockpile of nuclear arms? Shall they be detonated to extinguish life on earth? What is the purpose of possessing them anyhow and to whose benefit?
If there is the cycle of birth and rebirth, that is, the transmigration of the soul from one body to another till in progressive clarification of its inherent divine perfection it leads to eventual liberation from the phenomenal cycle, why do Christianity and Islam subscribe to the theory of a single earthly life of imperfection whose fate is then resolved on the Day of Judgement leading to heaven or hell?
39. The power of Islam stems from the absolute adherence of its followers to its doctrines which they deem to be the inviolable Word of the One and Only God who presides over the destiny of all that is.
40. The faithful ought not necessarily to be deemed deficient in reason. In real terms often the reverse is true, for human reason is neither dulled nor destroyed by faith but is quite often stimulated by it. Where decadence of reason prevails, it will be seen that faith has also suffered a like degeneration, for it is an integrated rise or fall that the human mind experiences or suffers. There is no direct correlation that may be established to prove that faith necessarily stifles creative thinking. The rise of Islamic science and culture on the wings of their newfound faith in the early years of the last millenium is a pointer to this thesis, perhaps.
41. There are so many different peoples in this world and it is but natural that to suit their different racial temperaments, their contrasting cultural requirements, different religious traditions should have grown over time. Let us respect each of them and accept all as being contributory to world culture.
42. The single-minded devotion of Shree Hanuman for his Lord and Master, Shree Ram, is the sine qua non for spiritual illumination.
43. There is pleasure in being accepted, pain in being rejected but bliss in feeling oneness from a spiritual kinship with all.
44. Refresh yourself periodically by chanting the Ishta-mantra. The nerves constantly get strained and need replenishing with fresh reserves of energy.
45. Behind you is infinite power. You have just to tap it and freshen yourself periodically. Such sustained practice will recreate the nervous system and overtime allow it to carry enormous load of spiritual energy. Then you will be a power in the world and a blessing unto humanity.
46. Was her (India's) noisy enthusiasm translated into deeds? [Romain Rolland]
These words are pertinent even today as we shout more than we work.
47. We are all mortgaged to desire.
48. The love of life is the seal of death.
49. In the Semitic scriptures there is the call to fear God which is not the highest relation that may be conceived of between God and man, that being of love, free of the slightest shadow of fear. In the New testament, though, the Book of John affirms this love.
50. The bondage of man to God cannot raise him but can only degenerate him after initially lifting him from the primal disoriented savage state unto an ordered subservience which lowers the soul inevitably thereafter, for freedom denied is the cause of all consequential evil.
51. The body binds man to this universe of desirous dreams. And it is we who are the makers of this dream universe of ours and it is we who can unmake it if we so will it. Never was there a Maker who held us in bondage. That is a simplistic explanation of the puerile mind.
52. I exhort the youth to do research on Swami Vivekananda.
53. The brainwashed can never see violence in their religion even when there are instances galore to prove it to be so. What sort of peace are they supposed to usher in at the cost of the lifeblood of hundreds of millions down the ages?
54. Being politically correct is often a way of suppressing the real truth. In other words, such correctness is most incorrect from the standpoint of statement of truth and nothing but the truth.
55. A gentlemanly cowardice is not to be mistaken for genuine gentlemanliness.
56. Hindus must not subscribe to the propaganda that all religions preach the same essential truth. This is a blatant lie. Proselytising religions like Islam and Christianity deny the truth of Hinduism and would rather have all Hindus converted to their fold.
57. You call my dharma false and I call your religion true. What a hypocrisy is this ? And who does it ? Why, I, the Hindu !
58. Clumsiness of thinking must go if we have to improve as a nation. But the heart must not be lost which hyper-rational people often lose in their bid for clarity of rational thinking.
59. Expansion has always been the way of the world and it must be now as well if we are to advance as a nation. Our culture must take to wings and spread throughout the world. Either we increase and live or we decrease and die. The choice is ours.
60. Vibrancy and life consist in ever-increasing interaction with the world. So must we spread out in the world and carry our culture everywhere but only if we ourselves are well rooted in it.
61. I exhort all who are about to complete post-graduation studies to carry on to doctoral research as it will enhance the nation's intellectual culture enormously and, so, strengthen the nation as such.
62. The Jews are a mighty intellectual race and there we have an instance to emulate.
63. বাংলায় কি আর পুরুষমানুষ জন্মাচ্ছে না ?
64. One maintains one's own guard, one keeps one's own counsel, one befriends oneself when all have left. On such a singular plank is one afloat in one's voyage through life.
65. When will this nation manifest manhood that will inspire large numbers of its men unto living and dying for it?
66. Swamiji is fractionally understood by all. The summation of all such partial conceptions yet falls short of the breadth of his being, the catholicity of his ideas.
67. The world is as yet quite barbaric despite all pretensions to civilisation. So long as man kills man for the sake of self-interest which he camouflages as theological or ideological compulsion, he remains in the realm of the primal brute from which he by self-assertion has supposedly evolved unto a higher order of civilised being.
68. When will Pakistan and Bangladesh be Hindu-majority regions again?
69. Give up effeminacy and become strong men. Enough of music and dance and poetry and pleasure. Now be virile and set yourself to the task of propagating the Sanatan Dharma for the preservation of humanity and all its best cherished ideals of freedom and soaring liberal culture.
70. Manhood in the Vivekananda sense does not mean patriarchy. It means the manifestation of strength -- physical, mental, moral, intellectual and spiritual -- in everybody, irrespective of gender.
71. The way to success is to win the war with time.
72. We have to constantly strengthen the nation. It is every Indian's sacred duty to do so. Our individual contributions, collected and united to a wholesome efficiency, will make India invincible.
73. There are universal messages, abstract principles of thought, ideas inspired that float in the limpid spaces of the mind, and there are pragmatic messages that seek execution in real life terms to lend validity to these principles in practice. The right balance of principle and practice makes for optimal efficiency and is the prescription for progress.
74. Only white men matter, right ? They can kill at will to possess the earth for themselves. Democracy, freedom, human rights, indeed !
75. We are a country, predominantly tamasic, for we act as a drag-back on our surroundings, pulling our countrymen backwards. The failure to discharge duty within the stipulated time, and the utter shamelessness despite doing so, characterises us as a nation as yet steeped in terrible ignorance despite our tallest pretensions to the contrary.
76. Effeminates everywhere, including the author. Swamiji has a hopeless task ahead. This country is mired in material weakness of a most paralysing kind with the image ruling the object and the object ruling the subject in a retrograde manner.
77. We need valorous mothers to give birth to virile children. The present degeneration of our population is abysmal.
78. বাংলা ভাষাকে বলিষ্ঠ করতে হবে | তার জন্য পৌরুষদৃপ্ত মানুষের প্রয়োজন | চারিত্রচাপল্য, ইন্দ্রিয়পরায়ণতা ও বিষয়াসক্তির প্রাবল্যে জাতির মেরুদণ্ড ভগ্নপ্রায় | এখন কিছু বীর সন্তান-সন্ততির প্রয়োজন নতুন ভাবে দেশের চিন্তাপ্রবাহকে পরিচালিত করতে | দেশ তবেই জাগবে |
79. বাঙালী জাগে না কেন? এ জাতি কবে থেকে এমন দুর্বল হল? কিভাবে বাঙালী বিষয়বাসনার দুর্বলতা হতে মুক্ত হতে পারে? আপনার সমাধান জানান |
80. ক্ষাত্রবীর্য জাগবে না এদেশে যদি জন্মাবধি শিশুদের নাচ-গান-কবিতার মধ্যে বড় করা হয় | তার পরিবর্তে খেলাধূলো, শরীরচর্চা ও লেখাপড়ার মধ্যে বড় করা হোক তাদের | এক প্রজন্মের মধ্যে সমস্যার সমাধান হবে | চরিত্র বলিষ্ঠ হোক জাতির ! এখন তো সবই হয় কাপুরুষ নয় স্ত্রৈণ |
81. Hyper-sentimentality is not richness of emotion. It is a disease, a sensate debility that destroys a race in the long run. Avoid giving in to every tingling sensation of the heart. Weep no more. Stand up erect and affirm your manhood.
82. Until you can see God in human beings, spirituality has not started for you. You will have to be able to look through the cover of flesh and form to the shining Spirit within seeking external expression in phenomenal play. Each person is the very God who he in ignorance in the high heavens worships.
83. Bangladesh is progressively becoming a patriarchal society evermore despite having had women Prime Ministers at the helm of affairs for decades. Why?
84. Middle Eastern Christianity must be protected. They carry the original flavour of spiritual Christianity which is strongly suggestive of eastern mysticism.
85. The only ideology that will be welcome for future man will be human welfare, pure and simple. No amount of doctrinaire stuff will hold humanity down. How long it will take man to realise this idea in real terms is the question, but it surely will come to pass.
86. Patience is a greater God than most realise. It delivers bounties in due course that Gods seldom do.
87. Why has communism been so brutal throughout its history? From Lenin and Stalin to Mao and Pol Pot, communism has left a trail of barbaric violence everywhere. Is it the basic totalitarian, atheistic, materialistic ideology of communism that is responsible for it?
88. Men who have never lived under real barbaric communism nurse rosy illusions about it. Ask them who have lived hell under it as to what communism in practice is.
89. America must rule the world. China's rise it cannot tolerate. So, it surrounds China with a ring of military installations designed to decimate it in a potential conflict.
90. It is interesting that we have a Gujarati Prime Minister at the helm of affairs. After all the Gujaratis are one of the most enterprising among the communities of India.
91. Chinese students are very intelligent. My personal experience with them has been that they are sharp and focussed and have outwitted my Indian students consistently. Of course, the sample study has been but small and no scientific inference may thus be drawn.
92. Ordinary people of the East have very few needs. It is only when they are trained in Western modes and manners that they get to desiring more and more. The commercial culture of the West, their aggrandising attitude, their pronounced materialism -- these have infiltrated into the body politic of the East and are corrupting the course of Eastern civilisation.
93. Strange it is that God does not protect the persecuted. It is man ever who persecutes and it is man ever who has to come to the rescue of the persecuted. And then God is given the credit for work not done by Him. After all it is all His grace by which man acts, is it not? Then must He also not take the blame for the evil acts of man?
94. In emphasising realisation we, educated Hindus, have often diminished faith. Mere scriptural tall talk is not religion but a vibrant living it out in the thoroughfare of life. The simple aspects of faith keep a people palpably alive amidst the vicissitudes of earthly existence.
95. Jews, Christians and Muslims believe in one God but Hindus affirm the existence of one Man which is the Atman.
96. 'Your religion is your religion and my religion is my religion' cannot quite go with the same religion preaching itself to be the last and the perfect Word of God which the whole of humanity must accept or be made to accept. Huge contradiction, you see, and cleverly adjusted to suit circumstance.
97. Women are not manufacturing machines. They need to be given respite from continuous childbirth to pursue their dreams in life. One wonders how men would have reacted to this ordeal that women face were roles to be reversed by a magical act of Nature and men started becoming pregnant by their own folly.
98. Why is it that we, Indians, cannot produce such efficient television and YouTube channels as the BBC, DW, Al Jazeera and the like to project our culture and civilisation? It is time we consider hiring foreign help to do so, considering the fact that we are patently incapable of doing so ourselves.
99. As Indians, to begin with, let us start improving our diction. In this regard our leaders have become the laughing stock of the world. And let us begin by correctly pronouncing CORONA as COE ROE NA and not as CAW ROW NAA or CUH ROW NA.
100. Western powers are all crooks. Their claims to democracy is a sham. All that it means is domination of the world using superior technology and arms.
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