The apathy of my countrymen, especially my fellow Bengalis, to the looming danger that faces West Bengal from growing Islamisation baffles me, frustrates me and leaves in my mind no doubt that we are, indeed, a self-oblivious, cowardly community with tall talk and pretentious piety alone adorning us, that is, where we have not been perverted by atheistic culture as yet. It is a tribute to the persisting folly that Bengalis have sustained over the centuries where they have sold their country first to the British and then to the Islamists to partition the motherland, and, yet, because of those valorous souls of Bengal who suffered incarceration, martyrdom and inhuman torture at the hands of the British during the freedom struggle, Bengalis continue to vaunt their prime position in the polity as the most cultured community when in truth they are a mass of self-deluded, debilitated fools who live in their own microcosm and imagine it to be the world.
These words I spell out out of deep disgust at the sheer apathy of West Bengal to the general good of our civilisation. Now do not jump to Bengal's defence by saying that Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and the like were Bengalis as well. They were divine darts fired at the heart of Bengal to awake it from its stupor. But do cowards take cognisance of God's grace? They continue to wallow in the mire of material misery and proudly proclaim it to be progressive culture. And now that their atheistic trend is being beaten to submission by Islamic dictates, Bengalis meekly submit to this fanatical force as well in the name of high-sounding principles imported from the West. And the Bangladeshi Bengalis? Well, they are the root of the problem. Do you not know?
Written by Sugata Bose
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