Monday, 1 February 2021



Lectures delivered on spiritual subjects without corresponding conviction of the speakers themselves in what they say have come to make public speeches susceptible to increasing scepticism by the youth. We need inspiring speakers with beautiful and fluent diction and abundance of confidence in what they speak so that the youth of this country may feel sufficiently inspired to follow in the footsteps of Swamiji.
Insipid speeches delivered by the dozens have come to characterise both the laity and the monastic who don the podium. It is high time to develop men and women in public speaking and in fiery writing along with their training in spiritual exercises. Only then may we get a handful of great orators who, coupled with good diction, will possess character enough to fire up the youth. Till then we shall see the increasing alienation of the youth from spiritual pursuits and progressive scepticism that is baneful for the nation.
Now do not say that the situation is otherwise by quoting numbers to prove your case. If the numbers show a positive trend, let us not be satisfied then with them but rather let us strive to further strengthen the movement thus. If, however, there is a pronounced negative trend and growing listlessness among the youth regarding spiritual matters, we have a job at hand which we ought to conduct well. And it is this reference that I exhort the formation of debating societies throughout the country, much in the line of what the young Subhas Chandra Bose had envisaged, after himself having been inspired by the fiery words of the Swami Vivekananda. Let us make a beginning by sowing the seeds and we shall soon start reaping the harvest thereof.

Written by Sugata Bose

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