FACEBOOK NEW MESSAGES AND TWEETS ... 271. Hitler's rise to power by democratic means followed by his suspension of democracy itself is the classic illustration of the intent of Islamists today in democracies where they demand increasing democratic rights for themselves to gradually grow in power before by sheer numbers, consequent on population proliferation, they can impose the Sharia on such lands.
2. The attempt to destroy an entire human race, the Jews, and the success in eliminating 90% of their existent population -- this was the evil perpetrated by Hitler for which he has been called the Devil incarnate. The gas chambers resembled hell fire. How can the Jews ever forget this?
3. Why does the Modi Government not declare Tibet as a country occupied by China which it should give up forthwith? Is 'Satyameva jayatey' [Truth ever triumphs] not the credo which the Government believes in?
4. Communal Party of India (Makeshift)?
5. Please encourage children to read story books. Make it compulsory in their daily study schedule. But for this, parents themselves must read as well to set up a glorious example for the little ones to emulate. Otherwise, this photo-culture will continue to our national debilitation.
6. Netaji -- the blossoming bud ; the precocious adolescent ; the preceptor and the pupil -- a lifelong faithfulness ; foster father and foster son ; the bereaved son ; the mature man ; the liberator ; the doting uncle.
7. What do my communist friends have to say about the communist desecration of religious culture the world over -- the destruction of monasteries, the murdering of monks, the burning of scriptures, the demolition of temples, mosques and churches, and so on and so forth? Any better than the fascism they so decry?
8. The trinity of human rights - Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin ! Mao, the fourth pillar of enlightenment, tolerance and justice !
9. Islamists are today secularists. What a joke !
10. I request everybody to start a critical campaign against the rise of Islamism in West Bengal politics. It is dangerous for our polity.
11. Today the opposition parties are more communal than the BJP. At every instance they talk of communalism and spare no means to garner communal support to apparently thwart the BJP in its polarising designs. Secular parties indeed !
12. Communists make common cause in West Bengal with Islamists to prove their secular credentials. Marx moves in his grave !
13. 'My enemy's enemy is my friend.' When Netaji had thus befriended Japan, the Indian Marxists had called him 'Tojo's dog'. Today, the very same Marxists, by the very same principle of realpolitik, have befriended Islamists in West Bengal. What will they call themselves?
14. The more the Hindus are opposed, the more they will gain in strength. Islamism cannot contain the rise of Hinduism in India. It is a predicted course, a fulfilment of the prophecy of ages, the renaissance of India as envisioned by Swamiji and Sri Aurobindo.
15. BJP polarises to the tune of 'x'. The Opposition then polarises to the tune of 'x squared'. Yet, BJP, for its Hindu civilisational stance, is deemed communal while the Opposition for its anti-Hindu stance is deemed secular. India, indeed, is the land of truth today !
16. Each and every Hindu must study the Bhagavad Geeta with no apologetic interpretation of it. 'Cast off this unmanliness. Ill doth it befit thee. Shed this inertia and faintness of heart, and arise, O scorcher of thy enemy, in the righteous defence of the dharma.'
17. Work for the nation. Do not show off your personal knowledge to somehow impress people. It counts for nothing. Just labour on for the rise of the nation.
18. Do not repose faith in politicians to deliver you. Deliver yourself by self-effort. The rest will work out as per the law of the resolution of forces.
19. Sometimes I also feel despondent to see the poor response of my countrymen to our motherland's plight. But then a fresh wave of inspiration comes and I wake up to renewed strength and vigour to give expression to my thus far inarticulate thoughts. Would it were that we could combine better !
20. It cannot be that the leaders of the land alone are characterless. It must be that the people supporting them are characterless as well. No wonder Swamiji had stated that man-making was his mission in life. But he wonderfully failed to do so in the larger context, although he was patently successful in doing so in his select band of disciples and in some of the great leaders of our rising nation who followed him.
21. How these politicians flatter the polity to get votes ! These are not leaders but are mercenaries of the lowest kind who only crave for power but have not the wisdom to wield it well.
22. Truthfulness is a potent virtue. It enhances personality even as it empowers the mind to actualise events through sheer willing.
23. Love overrules circumstance.
24. Cover-up and deflection are the two modes of Mahamaya. These modes politicians use to their advantage as well and, so, distort history. As perceptive readers we have to be wary. Else, false notions will develop and confuse understanding. Analytical literacy is required.
25. The Congress of today is not the Congress that had fought for independence. Let there be no illusions about it. This is a hangover of the past, a desperate dynastic aberration of everything that Congress had primarily stood for.
26. Play table tennis and defeat the Chinese at it. That will be nationalism indeed.
27. From now on we should celebrate 21 October as Independence Day and mourn 15 August as Partition Day.
28. Study itself is Saraswati Puja.
29. Rock music or rock noise?
30. People value their privacy, lock their profiles, then from secure fortress fire missiles of friend request.
31. কিছু লোক আছেন যাঁরা যত না কাজ করেন তার থেকে কর্মব্যস্ততা দেখান বেশী | এঁরা এক ধরণের আর কি |
32. Loving all equally is essential lest attachment to any develop.
33. 'Best of luck!' is good but 'Best of effort!' better. Talent, hard work and circumstance all play their due parts and cannot be discounted.
34. The 'Indian Secular Front' should be renamed 'Indian Spiritual Front' with Indian Communists officially declaring 'Dialectical Spiritualism' and 'Historical Spiritualism' as their new-found philosophical foundations. Indian Islamists should also declare their Russo-Chinese material roots in Communism.
35. India is spiritually weak. We have to strengthen the nation spiritually to make it strong in every aspect. Material well-being will as well then necessarily follow with character coursing its way through the national life.
36. Is there any estimate of the death inflicted by America in the last hundred years?
37. We need peace for culture to flourish and that is why as well war must be opposed.
38. This sense of separateness we experience between man and man is the bane of human civilisation and, yet, cultural and evolutionary differences are so difficult to bridge.
39. The Jews are the most intelligent people in the world.
40. The more we can overcome conservatism while retaining what is best in our tradition, that is, the better we synthesise tradition with modernity, the faster we will rise as a nation.
41. Tradition is our propelling power but tradition is also our enslaving chain. We need to be discerning in our onward movement so that we remain free to act. Only then is progress possible.
42. The horror of the Holocaust haunts the Jews even today. The trauma is hard to forget, impossible to bury in the sands of time, for every fresh incident of anti-Semitic violence reopens the wound and the nightmarish memories flood the surface-consciousness again.
43. First suffer Nazism for seven years, then Communism for forty-four more. This was the sad fate of Eastern Europe. And at the epicentre of it all was the ill-fated Jew.
44. Indian children should be taught British repression of India in great detail. Gandhian non-violence and peace is fine but that should not water down the horrors of European colonial oppression against Indians.
45. The freer you are in your thoughts, the brighter will your thoughts be. Hence, be free of ideological or theological indoctrination as you proceed to think and express. The history of thought has seen its best fruition where impositions on thought there were none or where they had been overcome despite their pervasive presence.
46. Overthrowing tradition wholesale is tantamount to committing suicide.
47. RRRD ... Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic and Disrespect for their parents' culture -- this is what characterised American education for immigrant Jews in early 20th century. Does this sound familiar to us Hindus in our own homeland? Courtesy, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S58ivjU9PeE @49 min onwards.
48. Knowing God to be the ever-active Providence and seeing how our poor people work 365 days a year throughout their lifetime, I also resolved early on in life to do likewise and have never abstained from work ever on a single day all these years unless incapacitated by illness or when on a rare vacation.
49. Sincere atheists are closer to God than insincere believers. It is sincerity that counts for it approximates one to Truth.
50. Reading is a good habit but study is better. The former often is a flimsy approach, the latter deeper, austere, sincere.
51. Pandit Bhimsen Joshi at his best. Sheer sublimity. Seems Krishna has come to listen to his devotee's soulful supplication.
52. We need greater depth in us and less verbosity. Too much of verbal affirmation but too little of follow-up work. Would it were otherwise !
53. Our entire Bengali language needs a change. It must be made manly, robust, more martial in spirit instead of the present effeminacy that largely dons it, primarily, though, because of such debility in the race as such.
54. We need not further import a brand of American effeminacy. A singsong method of talking and hyper-softness of approach in selling the commercial idea are symptomatic of sensate weakness.
55. Manliness is a virtue that the average Bengali must cultivate if he has any pretensions to calling himself a follower of Swami Vivekananda.
56. The sound system and the recording facility was superb here. Hence, Pandit Venkatesh Kumar, who was at his best as well incidentally here, comes out triumphant in this rendition of Hameer.
57. Some people think money is all that matters, culture does not. These are the ones that will miss the bus to both money and culture.
58. Is animism any worse than monotheistic fantastic narratives of prophets receiving divine commandments? Perhaps, it is superior philosophy. Your opinions, please.
59. We, Indians, have to awake to the horrors of Nazi Germany more than we care to. British colonial barbarism has to be dealt with simultaneously. Mere song and dance will not do as national regimen.
60. Jews going to the slaughter house, the world watching helplessly? Could more have not been done? How many Indians spoke out against the Holocaust then?
61. Death and horror are one, indignity is another. That is the depth to which diabolism sinks. Let none ever forget the evil that British imperialism was. Be it in India or in the West Indies, across the wide world its poison spread. May the colonised never forgive ! Learn and pay back.
62. We are a sleeping nation. Time to wake up and act.
63. Nazi barbarians !
64. It is the daily pursuit of knowledge by a predominant section of its citizenry that builds up the strength of a nation.
65. Politics in West Bengal has degenerated into a film show with members of the cinematic fraternity lending professional expertise to the extravaganza.
66. Indeed, these are strange times -- Communists making common cause with Islamists, Grassroots (Trinamool) seeking succour in high society celebrities and Hindutvas preaching secularism. Everything in inverse order it seems.
67. I was inspired by a Jew (Bobby Fischer) to take up chess, a Jew (Albert Einstein) to take up the informal study of physics, a Jew (Karl Marx) to study communism and finally a Jew (Anne Frank) to delve into Nazi atrocities.
68. The Nazis were Germans and the colonial British imperialists were British, were they not? Would calling them Nazis and colonists absolve the Germans and the British of their horrific sins? Where is the atonement and how is it to be done? Let the oppressed neither forget nor forgive.
69. Bangladesh must never forget the horrendous atrocity perpetrated by Pakistan against her citizens. Consequently, she must never allow her state to be hijacked by Islamists who are essentially in sympathy with every Islamist move of Pakistan. Mujib must be remembered in precept and in practice.
70. Nations that by dint of arms consider themselves powerful are basically cowardly collections of individuals who value strength in terms of armaments. Their weapons are powerful while they themselves are bankrupt of all moral and spiritual strength.
71. Europe and America have a lot to learn from Asia, especially India, in morals and spiritual principles before they can duly claim to be civilised in the true sense. The horror of war they still perpetrate throughout the world to establish their political dominance leaves them woefully short of the requisite mark of civilisation.
72. The first characteristic of evil is its resorting to lies -- deceit.
73. Till date the animal man has held sway over the human man. Will the spiritual man be able to overcome this human brute eventually?
74. Businessmen are like beggars. How they advertise their products and beg for them to be bought ! If they had maintained their dignity, they would have absolved themselves of this slavishness to money but would have wound up their businesses. Perhaps, that is how they reckon their state of affairs.
75. How to build people who do not want to build themselves? Can laziness work wonders in life?
76. The rich in India enjoy their holidays in idle vacationing at the cost of the hundreds of millions of the poor who can never get respite from their life-sapping labour. Theirs is a pleasure experienced at the expense of the lifeblood of the destitute who somehow eke out an earthly existence.
77. The rich in India enjoy their holidays in idle vacationing at the cost of the hundreds of millions of the poor who can never get respite from their life-sapping labour. Theirs is a pleasure experienced at the expense of the lifeblood of the destitute who somehow eke out an earthly existence.
78. The British were a cunning lot. They feared only men like Aurobindo Ghosh and Subhas Bose who could see through their dastardly designs and set the country aflame against them. These were their principle enemies.
79. Are we progressing as a democracy or are we slowly sliding into an autocracy with progressive centralised control over every element of civic life with the media being muzzled or being made subservient to the ruling dispensation?
80. Everything is phased out in time. If you beat time, you are safe and home. If you lose out to time, you are doomed. This time is the eternal enemy as it inexorably rolls on till the 'last syllable' is spelled out and destiny determined likewise.
81. স্বামীজীর পরবর্তীকালে পাশ্চাত্যদেশে একটিও বিশ্বস্তরের মনীষী বেদান্ত অথবা হিন্দুধর্ম প্রচার করতে পেরেছেন বলে মনে হয় না | ভুল বলে থাকলে আমায় সংশোধন করে দেবেন |
82. আমাদের জাতিগতভাবে বুদ্ধিকে পরিমার্জিত করতে হবে | বড়ই এলোমেলো চিন্তা | সুশৃঙ্খল স্বচ্ছ চিন্তাধারা -- এইটি আবশ্যক | কি বলেন ?
83. বুদ্ধিমান যদি সাথে সাথে হৃদয়বানও হন তাহলে জগত সুন্দর হয় |
84. অনুদারচিত্তে কি আধ্যাত্মিক বোধ প্রতিভাত হয় ?
85. হৃদয়ের প্রসারেই কর্মকল্যাণ, অপরকে অযথা বাক্যবানে বিদ্ধ করার মধ্যে নয় |
86. সারা পৃথিবীতে এত সমস্যা, পড়ে রয়েছে টিকটিকি নিয়ে ! এও এক বিড়ম্বনা |
87. শুধু কি হিটলার ? যখনই কোনো শক্তি কোনো দেশকে আক্রমণ ও অধিকার করেছে, তখনই সেখানকার সভ্যতাকে ধ্বংস করেছে | কত ক্ষতি হয়ে গেল পৃথিবীর, মানুষের এই বর্বরতার জন্য !
88. Why have the Jews been persecuted throughout history everywhere except in India, of course?
89. যা চাই, তাই তো পাবো ? নিজেকে চাইলে নিজেকে পাবো ; ঠাকুরকে চাইলে ঠাকুরকে পাবো |
90. A sense of oneness solves all the problems of life. It is not enough to love. One must be one with the beloved.
91. যা কিছু সবই ভেতরে | কিন্তু তাকায় কে ? দৃষ্টি সবটাই প্রায় বাইরে |
92. Nature is working independent of man. And this spontaneous functioning is so strange when Nature apparently is unconscious.
93. Where has dirty politics sunk in West Bengal? It is a shame that one has to behold such decadent leadership in Bengal which was once home to Subhas Chandra Bose and Chittaranjan Das.
94. A lecture is going on but utterly unconvincing as always. Dramatics does not lend conviction.
95. হা নেতাজী ! দেশের আজ একি দশা ? নাটক করলে যদি দেশ বদলাত তাহলে তোমরা অনেক আগেই তা করতে, এদের জন্য অপেক্ষা করতে না | আদর্শের ব্যভিচার আজ সর্বত্র |
96. মিথ্যাভাষণ একদিকে, অপরদিকে অশ্রাব্য, অমার্জিত ভাষাপ্রয়োগ | এঁরা নেতানেত্রী ? না আছে সভ্যতা, না চরিত্র না লজ্জা | সভ্যতার সঙ্কট আজ যথার্থ | আগে রাম জানে | নাকি রহিম জানে ? নাটক করেন নেতা আর প্রহসন করেন নেত্রী বটে ! দেশের বারোটা বেজে গেছে | দাঁড়িয়ে দেখবেন নাকি প্রতিকার করবেন স্বীয় সংস্কৃতি দিয়ে ?
97. সংস্কার ভাল না হলে যথার্থ আস্তিক্যবুদ্ধি আসে না | জড়বুদ্ধি প্রায়ই নাস্তিকতার কারণ |
শিশু বয়স থেকেই গল্পের বই পড়তে আগ্রহী করুন বাচ্চাদের | এতে ভবিষ্যতে অধ্যয়নের অভ্যাস তৈরী হবে | জাতি সুশিক্ষত হবে | এই সুশিক্ষার মধ্যেই জাতির চরিত্র গঠিত হবে আর তাতেই জাতির উত্থান |
99. Soft music and effeminate talk of television advertisement are breaking the backbone of the nation and reducing citizens to what Swamiji used to refer to as being 'a jellyfish existence'.
100. The War of Succession has begun in Bengal.